
Jay Herzog jwh7 at
Tue Aug 12 16:05:11 CDT 1997

	As one who's worked at both chain bookstores (B&N) and independent
	book and video stores, I can speak from personal experience about
	the vastly different mentalities that pervade each. Barnes & Noble 
	did have a vast selection, but unfortunately are geared toward the
	Clancys and Grishams. I recall a Japanese exchange student who
	asked where we shelved the Michel Foucault to blank stares among
	my co-workers, most of whom were right out of high school. (I
	eventually led her to the philosophy section). The manager of our
	store could have just as easily been selling cars or produce; he
	often refered to the number of "units sold". Finally I couldn't
	take it anymore and fled here to Vineland (Arcata), where
	we have a great independent bookstore, and two great used stores.. 	

	Speaking of indie bookstores....	

	I'm planning a trip to Berkeley this weekend and wonder if you
	erudite	foax out there could give me your recommendations for the
	best bookstores thereabouts. I realize this is somewhat off topic,
	so reply off list if you wish ( I thought the discussion of
	independent bookstores gave me an opening...)
	    J.W. Herzog             "The more uneventful the life, the
 	 279 Fickle Hill Rd.         more material there is. Events kill
	Arcata, Ca. 95521-6505       the imagination."
                                                      Orhan Pamuk


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