Publisher's Weekly

Sojourner sojourner at
Thu Aug 14 10:08:43 CDT 1997

At 08:00 AM 8/14/97 -0800, Doug Millison wrote:
>Reading the Don DeLillo interview in this week's Publisher's Weekly felt
>strange -- lots of emphasis about how "reclusive" he is, publicity shy,
>guarding his private life from public view, comparisons (the journalist's,
>not DeLillo's) with Pynchon and Salinger in that regard, yet, there he is,
>being interviewed for marketing and publicity purposes.  It made me think
>how glad I am that Pynchon has chosen to stay out of that, and it's made me
>ponder why that feels important -- it's the idea, as many others have
>expressed I know, that he refrains from making himself the object of
>celebrity, keeping the focus on his art, forcibly perhaps keeping the focus
>on his essential mystery as a person and individual. It's wonderful that an
>artist of his stature and popularity can thus stay out of the public maw.

Possibly you feel that way because deep down inside the question we
all ask is "Why does everybody else WANT so much publicity?".

If it were a question of publicity to make more money, sure I'd understand.
But after that, why would you want such absurdity?  Stephen King isn't
a monstrous murderer, so why do you want to know about HIM?  

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