MDMD (6)----p195,196 Asiatick Pygmies

barleydog at barleydog at
Sat Aug 23 02:49:20 CDT 1997

Eric Alan Weinstein wrote:
> Strange how they inhabit 11 days that do not exist.
> Nice if strange idea. Overall however,
> I found this moment in the text most perplexing.
> Did anyone have any reaction to this?
> Or perhaps I will understand after another pint
> at the George?
> still too damn hot down in the big smoke,

I have two reactions: first it reminds me of Roald Dahl's Oompa Loompas
who Willy Wonka secretly abducts and uses to run his Chocolate Factory. 
Talk about a character who is stuck in time.  

Also it reminds me of my own rave against daylight savings time.  I
always have wondered where that hour goes, and what by what right or
reason (ha!) do lawmakers feel themselves capable of removing an hour
and then putting it back on some other arbitrary day.  I was told in
Kindergarten it was so the farmers could have extra time in the day to
work.  But what has that to do with an urban dweller like me, and
certainly the days of Farmer McGregor are long gone.  Is it the
Agri-Business that keeps it alive? hmmm. . .


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