MDMD (6)----p195,196 Asiatick Pygmies

Sojourner sojourner at
Mon Aug 25 06:53:49 CDT 1997

At 12:49 AM 8/23/97 -0700, barleydog at wrote:

>Also it reminds me of my own rave against daylight savings time.  I
>always have wondered where that hour goes, and what by what right or
>reason (ha!) do lawmakers feel themselves capable of removing an hour
>and then putting it back on some other arbitrary day.  I was told in
>Kindergarten it was so the farmers could have extra time in the day to
>work.  But what has that to do with an urban dweller like me, and
>certainly the days of Farmer McGregor are long gone.  Is it the
>Agri-Business that keeps it alive? hmmm. . .

The boundaries for time zones were set by railroads, the daylight
savings time was enacted in WWII by the gov't, and our summer break
for school is a holdover from a primarily agricultural society.

There is no cabal trying to mess you up.

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