On this day (Feb 1)

fuhrel at ccmail.ccsn.nevada.edu fuhrel at ccmail.ccsn.nevada.edu
Sat Feb 1 11:44:16 CST 1997

     Buick begins to offer 8-track stereo in their cars as dealer options 
     Dr. Hook born 1937, also Don Everly.
     Clark Gable 1901
     Langston Hughes 1902
     Jimmy Carl Black (the Indian of the group)  1938
Black students in North Carolina stage the first lunch countdr sit in at 
Woolworth's (1960)

Bob Fuhrel

And of course, tomorrow is James Joyce's birthday and Groundhog Day.
______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
Subject: Re: Re[2]: Personal Scatologies
Author:  	"Henry M" <gravity at nicom.com> at SMTP-CCSN
Date:    1/31/97 10:18 PM

Maybe the problem isn't too many academics. Maybe it's too few 
blue-collar working class stiffs like Steely and me. 
On 30 Jan 97 at 11:40, LBernier at tribune.com wrote:
>      Umm, who died and gave academics the primary role of "defenders 
>      of the faith?"  As one of the younger list members (a
>      non-academic at that) I never had that "berkeley" experience 
>      Steely seems to hold in such awe - And I can't say I missed 
>      much.  'Course, I sought out my own experiences outside the 
>      classroom (Athens GA was a good place to do that in the
>      mid-eighties) - something it seems to me everyone is free to 
>      do.
>      And as for Pynchon being killed by the academics - I don't
>      think this list is ruled by academics, is it?  There's a pretty 
>      good cross-section of people here, all of whom seem smart
>      enough to come to their own opinions about his writing.  How 
>      DID they escape the evil academic conspiracy?
>      As Julia often says in Brideshead Revisited, it's all so 
>      terribly boring.
>      Jean.
My mother was of the sky... -- JL
My mother is the war...
Keep cool, but care. -- TRP
Moderation in moderation. -- Husky Mariner 
Not having that, which having... :-(

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