February 1997 Archives by subject
Starting: Sat Feb 1 00:01:24 CST 1997
Ending: Fri Feb 28 22:22:26 CST 1997
Messages: 1056
Henry M
David Casseres
- (Fwd) On this day, cont...
Henry M
- 10 randomly ordered favourites
Paul Murphy
- 1st edition GR
Dexter C. Palmer
- 1st edition GR
Henry M
- 1st edition GR
Dexter C. Palmer
- 1st edition GR
Adam J. Thornton
- 1st edition GR
Ed Thompson
- 1st edition GR
Paul Mackin
- 1st edition GR
grip at netcom.com
- 1st edition GR
Tom Stanton
- 1st edition GR
Jrl413 at aol.com
- 1st edition GR
j minnich
- 1st edition GR
Ken Jones
- 1st of GR, etc ^
Everett & Son Books
- 1st of GR, etc ^
Dexter C. Palmer
- 2 new threads?
doktor at primenet.com
- 2 new threads?
- :-(
Diana York Blaine
- academic essays
hankhank at ccwf.cc.utexas.edu
- academic essays
hankhank at ccwf.cc.utexas.edu
- Academic fiction
Bill Millard
- Academic fiction
Paul Mackin
- Academic fiction
Roy Gordon
- Academic fiction
grip at netcom.com
- academic fiction
Niall Martin
- Academic fictions
- Academic Fictions
Mikko Keskinen
- Academic Fictions
David Casseres
- Academic Fictions
Mark.Novitz at ny.ubs.com
- Academic novels
John Boylan
- Academic Novels
- Academic novels
Henry M
- Academic Novels
Henry M
- Academic novels
David Casseres
- Academic Novels
David L. Pelovitz, Ph.D.
- Academic novels
Bret James Logue
- Academic novels
fuhrel at ccmail.ccsn.nevada.edu
- Academic novels
John Boylan
- Academic novels
Brian Collins
- Academic novels
Ted Samsel
- Academic novels
David Casseres
- Academic novels
ckaratnytsky at nypl.org
- Academic novels
John M. Krafft
- Academic novels
fuhrel at ccmail.ccsn.nevada.edu
- Academic novels
grip at netcom.com
- Academic novels
MASCARO at humnet.ucla.edu
- Academic Oxygen
Mike Beiderbecke
- Academic Oxygen
grip at netcom.com
- a debt owed is a debt owed
andrew hart
- a debt owed is a debt owed
Christopher Gonzales
- a debt owed is a debt owed
j minnich
- a debt owed is a debt owed
Craig Clark
- a debt owed is a debt owed
Daniel Bump
- a debt owed is a debt owed
hankhank at ccwf.cc.utexas.edu
- A Digest of responses: History, Language/Art, Dead Wrinkly Men
Alan Joyce
- Advice on GR
Rodney Welch
- A Glastonbury Romance
- A Glastonbury Romance
Craig Clark
- A Glastonbury Romance/Top 100 Lists
- a hello, thoughts on fav. words, and etc.
m. powers
- a hello, thoughts on fav. words, and etc.
andrew at cee.hw.ac.uk
- a hello, thoughts on fav. words, and etc.
robb monn
- airing out the hippy
Mittelwerk at aol.com
- A linguist weighs in on Ebonics
deedle at loop.com
- All Men in DC
Henry M
- Almanac Facts
doktor at primenet.com
- Aloes Editions
Brian D. McCary
- Aloes Editions
Daniel O'Hara
- Aloes Editions
Skip Wolfe
- Aloes Editions
Adam J. Thornton
- Aloes Editions
Brian D. McCary
- Aloes Editions
- A modest proposal
Henry M
- a modest proposal
Paul Murphy
- Anagram
Henry M
- Anagram
Paul Mackin
- An anecdote
Paul Mackin
- An angle on the DC Meet
Henry M
- An angle on the DC Meet
Paul Mackin
- An angle on the DC Meet
WillL at fieldschool.com
- An angle on the DC Meet
David L. Pelovitz, Ph.D.
- An Ebonics Joke
Joe Varo
- An Irrelevant Question
- An Irrelevant Question
- An Irrelevant Question
Henry M
- An Irrelevant Question
MASCARO at humnet.ucla.edu
- An Irrelevant Question
Steven Maas (CUTR)
- An Irrelevant Question
David Casseres
- An Irrelevant Question
Skip Wolfe
- An Irrelevant Question
andrew at cee.hw.ac.uk
- An Irrelevant Question
Craig Clark
- An Irrelevant Question
Craig Clark
- An Irrelevant Question
- An Irrelevant Question
Henry M
- An Irrelevant Question
MASCARO at humnet.ucla.edu
- Anna Deavere Smith...
- Another first for COL49.
Haberberger,George D
- another list
Diana York Blaine
- another list
andrew at cee.hw.ac.uk
- another list
Diana York Blaine
- another list
Mike Weaver
- another list
andrew at cee.hw.ac.uk
- another list (fwd)
Ted Samsel
- anti-intellectual-intellectual legitimation wank
Mittelwerk at aol.com
- anti-intellectual-intellectual legitimation wank
Henry M
- anti-intellectual-intellectual legitimation wank
- anti-intellectual-intellectual legitimation wank
Ted Samsel
- Apology, Ltd.
Henry M
- A small world
Henry M
- a somewhat random top 10
Ted Samsel
- A Song of Joy!, by Bingo Lemondust
Eric Alan Weinstein
- A Virtual Dutch Kiss
Daniel O'Hara
- Back to Hell
MantaRay at aol.com
- Bad Jokes & bad schools
MASCARO at humnet.ucla.edu
- Bad Jokes & bad schools
Paul Mackin
- Bad Jokes & bad schools
MASCARO at humnet.ucla.edu
- Bad Jokes & bad schools
Paul Mackin
- Bad Jokes & bad schools
MASCARO at humnet.ucla.edu
- Bad Jokes & bad schools
j minnich
- Bad Jokes & Ebonics
Gary Elshaw
- Bad Jokes & Ebonics
Kyburz at asu.edu
- Bad Jokes & Ebonics
MASCARO at humnet.ucla.edu
- Bad Jokes & Ebonics
Gary Elshaw
- Bad Jokes & Ebonics
deedle at loop.com
- Bad Jokes & Ebonics
grip at netcom.com
- Bad Jokes & Ebonics
Henry M
- Bad Jokes & Ebonics
Gary Elshaw
- Bad Jokes & Ebonics
C. Endicott
- Bad Jokes & Ebonics
Henry M
- Bad Jokes & Ebonics
Henry M
- Bad Jokes & Ebonics
Joe Varo
- Bad Jokes & Ebonics
Henry M
- Bad Jokes & Ebonics
Ted Samsel
- Bad Jokes & Ebonics
Joe Varo
- Bad Jokes & Ebonics
Kyburz at asu.edu
- Bad Jokes & Ebonics
Henry M
- Bad Jokes & Ebonics
Craig Clark
- Bad Jokes & Ebonics
David Casseres
- Bad Jokes & Ebonics
David Casseres
- Bad Jokes & Ebonics
David Casseres
- Bad Jokes & Ebonics
David Casseres
- Bad Jokes & Ebonics
ckaratnytsky at nypl.org
- Bad Jokes & Ebonics
doktor at primenet.com
- Bad Jokes & Ebonics
Joe Varo
- Bad Jokes & Ebonics
Joe Varo
- Bad Jokes & Ebonics
Henry M
- Bad Jokes & Ebonics
Henry M
- Bad Jokes & Ebonics
David Casseres
- Bad Jokes & Ebonics
David Casseres
- Bad Jokes & Ebonics
David Casseres
- Bad Jokes & Ebonics--Long contemplation
Bill Burns
- Bad Jokes & good folks
MASCARO at humnet.ucla.edu
- Baedecker/Fodors
- Bastard
mglosup at randomc.com
- beginner
- beginner
Brett Coley
- beginner
- beginner
Meg Larson
- beginner,
MASCARO at humnet.ucla.edu
- beginner, do you expect me to humor thou?
Mittelwerk at aol.com
- beginner, do you expect me to humor thou?
- beginner, do you expect me to humor thou?
- beginner, do you expect me to humor thou?
Steven Maas (CUTR)
- beginner, do you expect me to humor thou?
andrew at cee.hw.ac.uk
- beginner, do you expect me to humor thou?
Henry M
- beginner, do you expect me to humor thou?
- beginner, do you expect me to humor thou?
Henry M
- beginner, do you expect me to humor thou?
andrew at cee.hw.ac.uk
- beginner, do you expect me to humor thou?
Paul Mackin
- beginner, do you expect me to humor thou?
Henry M
- Bersani
Tony Elias
- Be Very Afraid (OSMONDS)
Ted Samsel
- Be Very Afraid (OSMONDS)
David Casseres
- Be Very Afraid (OSMONDS)
Brett Coley
- Be Very Afraid (OSMONDS)
C. Endicott
- Be Very Afraid (OSMONDS)
Henry M
- Blowing It
- Book Review
Everett & Son Books
- Books in my life
Steven Maas (CUTR)
- Books in my life
Mark.Novitz at ny.ubs.com
- Books in my life
Steven Maas (CUTR)
- Books in my life
Joe Varo
- Books to Read When A. Dillard Ain't Watching
- Borderline NP: A Banana Dance
- Bruce/Terry, Southern, 1941/Landis
Ted Samsel
- Bruce and LBJ
Steven Maas (CUTR)
- Bruce and LBJ
MASCARO at humnet.ucla.edu
- Bruce routines
doktor at primenet.com
- Bruce routines
MASCARO at humnet.ucla.edu
- Bruce routines
Henry M
- Bruce routines
MASCARO at humnet.ucla.edu
- Bruce routines
Henry M
- Bruce routines
Henry M
- Bruce routines
Adam J. Thornton
- Bruce routines
Oli Kristjan Armannsson
- Bruce routines
Ted Samsel
- Bruce routines
LBernier at tribune.com
- Bruce routines
MASCARO at humnet.ucla.edu
- Bruce routines
Henry M
- Bruce routines
andrew at cee.hw.ac.uk
- Bruce routines
LBernier at tribune.com
- Bruce routines
Henry M
- Bruce routines
David Casseres
- Bruce routines
David Casseres
- Bruce routines
MASCARO at humnet.ucla.edu
- Bruce routines
andrew at cee.hw.ac.uk
- Bruce routines
David Casseres
- Bruce routines -- REALLY?!
hschulze at closerlook.com
- Bruce routines -- REALLY?!
MASCARO at humnet.ucla.edu
- burgess, jesuschrist
Mittelwerk at aol.com
- burgess, jesuschrist
Greg Montalbano
- burgess, jesuschrist
Ted Samsel
- burgess, jesuschrist
hankhank at ccwf.cc.utexas.edu
- But, wait, there's more! [was St. Clair River]
ckaratnytsky at nypl.org
- But, wait, there's more! [was St. Clair River]
David Casseres
- But, wait, there's more! [was St. Clair River]
ckaratnytsky at nypl.org
- but no gathering here...(YET!) LAST CALL...
grip at netcom.com
- but no gathering here...(YET!) LAST CALL...
Henry M
- but no gathering here...(YET!) LAST CALL...
Kyburz at asu.edu
- but no gathering here...(YET!) LAST CALL...
grip at netcom.com
- but no gathering here...(YET!) LAST CALL...
Ken Jones
- but no gathering here...(YET!) LAST CALL...
Roy Gordon
- Calculating
Henry M
- Calculating
- Calculating
grip at netcom.com
- call for papers
ckaratnytsky at nypl.org
- chainsaw weilding chicks
Linda Highland
- chainsaw weilding chicks
David Casseres
- chainsaw weilding chicks
- chainsaw weilding chicks
MantaRay at aol.com
- Cheap Fiction
- Cheap Fiction
j minnich
- Christ and the Queen's English
Diana York Blaine
- Christ and the Queen's English
the Robot Vegetable
- Christ and the Queen's English
Henry M
- Christ and the Queen's English
- Christ and the Queen's English
andrew at cee.hw.ac.uk
- Christ in fluid
- Christopher Lasch
Linda Highland
- Cloudy sky (Was 1st edition GR)
j minnich
- CoL49
Philip Christman
- Colder than a What?
Diana York Blaine
- Colder than a What?
David Fullagar
- Committed artists of the 30s
Joseph Cerrato
- Committed artists of the 30s
- Committed artists of the 30s [Long]
- Condescending Philanthropy
- Condescending Philanthropy
Steven Maas (CUTR)
- Condescending Philanthropy
- Condescending Philanthropy
- Condescending Philanthropy
David Casseres
- Condescending Philanthropy
- Confessio Salmo
- Confessio Salmo/ mea culpa
MASCARO at humnet.ucla.edu
- Confessio Salmo/ mea culpa
Adam J. Thornton
- Confessio Salmo/ mea culpa
ckaratnytsky at nypl.org
- Crowley
Steven Maas (CUTR)
- dc gathering
chris abraham
- DC Gathering
Ted Samsel
- DC meet a resounding success
Paul Mackin
- DC Pynchon Gathering
David L. Pelovitz, Ph.D.
- DC Pynchon Gathering
Henry M
- debts & trespasses
Brian D. McCary
- debts & trespasses
Paul Mackin
- debts & trespasses
Ted Samsel
- debts & trespasses
Jason Witherspoon
- debts & trespasses
- Deighton List
dbragg at juno.com
- Destiny, the Other Side, and Stuff
- Destiny, the Other Side, and Stuff
Henry M
- Destiny, the Other Side, and Stuff
MASCARO at humnet.ucla.edu
- DFW in Book People
hankhank at ccwf.cc.utexas.edu
- Die, Webber!
Paul DiFilippo
- Die, Webber! (fwd)
Ted Samsel
- Discussion opener for GRGR(10)
andrew at cee.hw.ac.uk
- Discussion opener for GRGR(10)
mglosup at randomc.com
- Discussion opener for GRGR(10)
mglosup at randomc.com
- Discussion opener for GRGR(10)
the Robot Vegetable
- Discussion opener for GRGR(10)
Henry M
- Discussion opener for GRGR(10)
Henry M
- Discussion opener for GRGR(10)
Daniel Bump
- Discussion opener for GRGR(10)
Henry M
- Discussion opener for GRGR(10)
Paul Mackin
- Discussion opener for GRGR(10)
Paul Mackin
- Discussion opener for GRGR(10)
andrew at cee.hw.ac.uk
- Discussion opener for GRGR(10)
Steven Maas (CUTR)
- Discussion opener for GRGR(10)
hankhank at ccwf.cc.utexas.edu
- Disgusting things in GR
Scott Weintraub
- Dixon
doktor at primenet.com
- Dixon
Skip Wolfe
- Dixon
Ted Samsel
- Don't Worry, Ted (was Re: Ford and Schindler)
- Don't Worry, Ted (was Re: Ford and Schindler)
Ted Samsel
- dostoevsky and TRP
paul.murphy at utoronto.ca
- Easy Rider
LBernier at tribune.com
- Easy Rider
Chris Stolz
- Easy Rider
Dennis Miller
- Easy Rider
David Casseres
- Easy Rider
Ted Samsel
- Easy Rider (fwd)
the Robot Vegetable
- Easy Rider (fwd)
David Casseres
- Easy Rider (fwd)
the Robot Vegetable
- Easy Rider See What You Gone And Done.
Ted Samsel
- ebonic be jokey bad
Mittelwerk at aol.com
- ebonic be jokey bad
stencil at bcn.net
- ebonics
Phillip P. Muth
- Ebonics
- Ectoplasm
Jan Klimkowski
- Ectoplasm
Tom Stanton
- Ectoplasm
David Casseres
- Ectoplasm
Paul Mackin
- Ectoplasm
Gary Elshaw
- Ectoplasm
Tom Stanton
- Ectoplasm
Henry M
- Ectoplasm
Paul Mackin
- Ectoplasm
Jan Klimkowski
- Ectoplasm
andrew at cee.hw.ac.uk
- Ectoplasm
Tom Stanton
- Ectoplasm
Paul Mackin
- Ectoplasm
Ted Samsel
- Ectoplasm
Craig Clark
- Ectoplasm
David Casseres
- Ectoplasm
David Casseres
- Ectoplasm
Joe Varo
- Ectoplasm
- Ectoplasm
David Casseres
- Ectoplasm
Daniel O'Hara
- Ectoplasm
- Ectoplasm
- Ectoplasm
andrew at cee.hw.ac.uk
- Ectoplasm
Paul Mackin
- Ectoplasm
Jan Klimkowski
- Ectoplasm
- Ectoplasm
David Casseres
- Ectoplasm
David Casseres
- Ectoplasm
stencil at bcn.net
- Ectoplasm
Steve Robinson
- Ectoplasm
Daniel O'Hara
- Ectoplasm
Mike Weaver
- Ectoplasm [very LONG]
Jason Witherspoon
- Ectoplasmic query
MASCARO at humnet.ucla.edu
- Ectoplasmic query
Murthy Yenamandra
- Ectoplasm on my Bad Sneakers
Henry M
- edu folks
Kyburz at asu.edu
- Emulating Henry
MASCARO at humnet.ucla.edu
- encore! 5 most underrated? and, er, overrated?
Tony Elias
- encore! 5 most underrated? and, er, overrated?
Mark.Novitz at ny.ubs.com
- Enlightened by Wolfe?
- Escaping the Evil Academic Conspiracy
Ted Samsel
- etymology of jackanapes
Paul Murphy
- Eugenics
Adam J. Thornton
- Everyman's GR
Dexter C. Palmer
- Everyman's GR
Henry M
- Everyman's GR
Skip Wolfe
- Everyman's GR
Bruce Appelbaum
- Famouns Inversion in Lit. History
Byrnes Weir
- Famouns Inversion in Lit. History
- Famouns Inversion in Lit. History
David Casseres
- Famouns Inversion in Lit. History
Kyburz at asu.edu
- favourite one and a half non-existent book list
Diana York Blaine
- Favourite One and a Half Non-Existent Books List
Eric Alan Weinstein
- Favourite One and a Half Non-Existent Books List
C. Endicott
- favourite ten? top ten?
Brian Collins
- favourite ten? top ten? is there a difference? hmmm.
Tony Elias
- favourite ten? top ten? is there a difference? hmmm.
chris abraham
- favourite ten? top ten? is there a difference? hmmm.
David Casseres
- Fetal Balm
Uncle Tobias
- For comparison
Henry M
- For comparison
Brett g Porter
- For comparison
Jason Witherspoon
- For comparison
Joe Varo
- For comparison
Bruce Appelbaum
- Ford and Schindler
Tom Stanton
- Ford and Schindler
Murthy Yenamandra
- Ford and Schindler
- Fordism and Jews
Mittelwerk at aol.com
- forwarded message from andrew at cee.hw.ac.uk
andrew at cee.hw.ac.uk
- forwarded message from andrew at cee.hw.ac.uk
robb monn
- forwarded message from andrew at cee.hw.ac.uk
chris abraham
- forwarded message from andrew at cee.hw.ac.uk
Henry M
- forwarded message from andrew at cee.hw.ac.uk
chris abraham
- forwarded message from andrew at cee.hw.ac.uk
David L. Pelovitz, Ph.D.
- forwarded message from andrew at cee.hw.ac.uk
Henry M
- Founding Fathers
- From Pointcast Nework (C) (R)
Henry M
- Fw: 2/2/22
Paul Mackin
- Fw: 2/2/22
Henry M
- Fw: 2/2/22
Tom Stanton
- Fw: 2/2/22
Craig Clark
- Fw: 2/2/22
Bret James Logue
- Fw: 2/2/22
Paul Mackin
- Fw: 2/2/22
Tom Stanton
- Fwd: Returned mail
- Geli Tripping
- Geli Tripping
stencil at bcn.net
- German steel industry (fwd)
- God Save Irony
Mittelwerk at aol.com
- Gore's rosebud
Charles_Sligh at BAYLOR.EDU
- Gore's rosebud
Niall Martin
- Gore's rosebud
Paul Mackin
- Gore's rosebud
John Boylan
- Gore's rosebud
Henry M
- Gore's rosebud
Jason Witherspoon
- Gore's rosebud
Paul Mackin
- Gore's rosebud
Joe Varo
- Gore's rosebud
Steven Maas (CUTR)
- Gore's rosebud
Henry M
- Gore's rosebud
Craig Clark
- Gore's rosebud
Craig Clark
- Gore's rosebud
Paul Mackin
- Gore's rosebud
Murthy Yenamandra
- Gore's rosebud
Steven Maas (CUTR)
- Gore's rosebud
David Casseres
- Gore's rosebud
Rodney Welch
- Gore's rosebud
Murthy Yenamandra
- Gore's rosebud
Rodney Welch
- Gore's rosebud
Craig Clark
- Gore's rosebud
Rodney Welch
- Gore books
grip at netcom.com
- Gore Vidal
Rodney Welch
- Gore Vidal on TRP gay?
Charles_Sligh at BAYLOR.EDU
- Gore Vidal on TRP gay?
Jason Witherspoon
- Gore Vidal on TRP gay?
Paul Mackin
- Gore Vidal on TRP gay?
Henry M
- Gore Vidal on TRP gay?
Rodney Welch
- GR's Chipco Stomp Preview
Henry M
- GR's Chipco Stomp Preview
- GR's Chipco Stomp Preview
MASCARO at humnet.ucla.edu
- GR's Chipco Stomp Preview
grip at netcom.com
- GR's Chipco Stomp Preview
- GR's Chipco Stomp Preview
grip at netcom.com
- GR's Chipco Stomp Preview
Henry M
- GR's Chipco Stomp Preview
andrew at cee.hw.ac.uk
- GR's Chipco Stomp Preview
andrew at cee.hw.ac.uk
- GR's Chipco Stomp Preview
- GR's Chipco Stomp Preview
LBernier at tribune.com
- GR's Chipco Stomp Preview
grip at netcom.com
- GR's Chipco Stomp Preview
grip at netcom.com
- GR's Chipco Stomp Preview
LBernier at tribune.com
- GR's Chipco Stomp Preview
- GR's Chipco Stomp Preview
MASCARO at humnet.ucla.edu
- GR's Chipco Stomp Preview
andrew at cee.hw.ac.uk
- graffiti brigade
Tony Elias
- graffiti brigade
- Graffiti Brigade
Shirley Lim
- GRGR(10): Jews and Smokestacks
Henry M
- GRGR(10) Control
- GRGR(10) Control
Paul Mackin
- GRGR(10) Control
- GRGR(10) Control
andrew at cee.hw.ac.uk
- GRGR(10) Control, and a Dostoevsky anecdote
Juan Cires Martinez
- GRGR(10) Control, and a Dostoevsky anecdote
andrew at cee.hw.ac.uk
- GRGR(10) Control, and a Dostoevsky anecdote
Henry M
- GRGR(10) Control, and a Dostoevsky anecdote
Paul Mackin
- GRGR(11)
John Boylan
- GRGR(11) - Children learning to die
Murthy Yenamandra
- GRGR(11) - Children learning to die
Byrnes Weir
- GRGR(11) - Children learning to die
andrew at cee.hw.ac.uk
- GRGR(11) - Children learning to die
Murthy Yenamandra
- GRGR(11) - Children learning to die
Paul Mackin
- GRGR(11) - Children learning to die
Henry M
- GRGR(11) - Last section of group read of Pt 1
Andrew Dinn
- GRGR(11) - Last section of group read of Pt 1
Alan Westrope
- GRGR(11) - Last section of group read of Pt 1
Alan Westrope
- GRGR(11): TRP gay?
John Boylan
- GRGR(11): TRP gay?
andrew at cee.hw.ac.uk
- GRGR(11): TRP gay?
- GRGR(8) Discussion Opener
Paul Mackin
- GRGR(9) Pointsman's dream
MASCARO at humnet.ucla.edu
- GRGR(9) Pointsman's dream
Paul Mackin
- GRGR(9) Pointsman's dream
Tom Stanton
- GRGR(9) Pointsman's dream
stencil at bcn.net
- GRGR(9) Pointsman/Slothrop
Paul Mackin
- GRGR 11, Roger the Fool
Henry M
- Happy Speed-Flesh Day!
Mittelwerk at aol.com
- Has anyone seen this book?
robb monn
- has anyone seen this book?
- Hate (now there's a knee slapper!)
Henry M
- Heavy sigh
Zimmy16764 at aol.com
- Henry's boorishness, forwarded at his request
John M. Krafft
- Henry's boorishness, forwarded at his request
andrew at cee.hw.ac.uk
- Henry Darger
- Herman (was KEWB)
Ted Samsel
- hey pal, got change for an oracle?
Mittelwerk at aol.com
- High School Pynchon vs. Angst
- High School Pynchon vs. Angst
andrew at cee.hw.ac.uk
- High School Pynchon vs. Angst
Ted Samsel
- High School Pynchon vs. Angst
mglosup at randomc.com
- Hitler the Looney
- Hmmmm
- hockey moms
hankhank at ccwf.cc.utexas.edu
- Hollow Earth
Paul DiFilippo
- Holy is the Firm?
Ted Samsel
- Holy is the Firm?
- Holy Wars, Batman!
C. Endicott
- Holy Wars, Batman!
Henry M
- Holy Wars, Batman!
C. Endicott
- Holy Wars, Batman!
Henry M
- Holy Wars, Batman!
ckaratnytsky at nypl.org
- Holy Wars, Batman!
Henry M
- Holy Wars, Batman!
David Casseres
- Holy Wars, Batman!
Craig Clark
- Horses
andrew at cee.hw.ac.uk
- Horses
Craig Clark
- Horses
Craig Clark
- How does Gore's rose bud?
Charles_Sligh at BAYLOR.EDU
- How does Gore's rose bud?
Paul Mackin
- How does Gore's rose bud?
Jason Witherspoon
- How does Gore's rose bud?
- I'm here!
robb monn
- I'm not an edu. I just play one on tv
Diana York Blaine
- I-Me-My list
MASCARO at humnet.ucla.edu
- I-Me-My list
David Casseres
- I-Me-My list
fuhrel at ccmail.ccsn.nevada.edu
- I-Me-My List
John Boylan
- I-Me-My List
Henry M
- I-Me-My List
Joe Varo
- I-Me-My List
andrew at cee.hw.ac.uk
- I-Me-My List
grip at netcom.com
- Incipient Vulgarity
- Income-ing
- Infrequency
Henry M
- Infrequency
andrew at cee.hw.ac.uk
- innocence of the slaves
Murthy Yenamandra
- innocence of the slaves
Henry M
- innocence of the slaves
Murthy Yenamandra
- International Pynchon Week '98
Eric Alan Weinstein
- Interview with Michael Naumann
- Intro and Outro
Mike Weaver
- Invisible Man (was Re: Top Ten Lists)
- Ishmael Reed and academia
Jay Herzog
- Ishmael Reed and academia
Brett Coley
- It's a Gas Gas Gas
Mittelwerk at aol.com
- It's a Gas Gas Gas
Henry M
- It's a Gas Gas Gas
MASCARO at humnet.ucla.edu
- It's a Gas Gas Gas
MantaRay at aol.com
- It's a Gas Gas Gas
j minnich
- it was I, Cock Robin...
ckaratnytsky at nypl.org
- Jackanapes
John Boylan
- Jackanapes
Henry M
- Jackanapes
MASCARO at humnet.ucla.edu
- Jackanapes
grip at netcom.com
- Jackanapes
ckaratnytsky at nypl.org
- Jackanapes
Henry M
- Jackanapes
Henry M
- Jackanapes and Neo Nazis
Adam J. Thornton
- Jackanapes and Neo Nazis
- Jackanapes and Neo Nazis
Craig Clark
- jack N a plea for clarity
MASCARO at humnet.ucla.edu
- Jeesus Kee-rist
Steven Maas (CUTR)
- Jeesus Kee-rist
Henry M
- Jeesus Kee-rist
MantaRay at aol.com
- Jeesus Kee-rist
Ted Samsel
- Joyce
Greg Montalbano
- just a bad joke
MASCARO at humnet.ucla.edu
- just a bad joke
Ted Samsel
- Kabbalah
- Kabbalah
David Casseres
- Kabbalah and Cabals
- Kabbalah and Cabals
Alan Westrope
Orlowsky at aol.com
Henry M
- Kiddie Lit
doktor at primenet.com
- Kneejerks, Straw Men and the attack of the blindly devoted
MantaRay at aol.com
- Kneejerks, Straw Men and the attack of the blindly devoted
- Kneejerks, Straw Men and the attack of the blindly devoted
MantaRay at aol.com
- Kneejerks, Straw Men and the attack of the blindly devoted
- Kneejerks, Straw Men and the attack of the blindly devoted
Paul Mackin
- Know it when you see it!
doktor at primenet.com
- Know it when you see it!
Henry M
- Know it when you see it!
Henry M
- Lacan (was: phallogocentricism)
Joe Varo
- Lacan (was: phallogocentricism)
Phillip P. Muth
- Language...
deedle at loop.com
- Language...
grip at netcom.com
- Laura Palmer
doktor at primenet.com
- lectureship available
ckaratnytsky at nypl.org
- lickspittle
C. Endicott
- List from the quiet one
Zimmy16764 at aol.com
- List Happy
MantaRay at aol.com
- Listing to one side and taking on water
- List of 10
John Boylan
- List of 10
Kyburz at asu.edu
- List of 10
Craig Clark
- List of 10
David Casseres
- Lists
Henry M
- Lists
David Casseres
- Litarature: It makes is think we're free
Diana York Blaine
- Look Out, Redbug!
- Louisville Lollapalooza '96
Diana York Blaine
- Louisville Lollapalooza '96
MASCARO at humnet.ucla.edu
- Lurker Rants, Too!
Mark.Novitz at ny.ubs.com
- Lurker Rants, Too!
Paul Mackin
- Lurker Rants, Too!
andrew at cee.hw.ac.uk
- Lurker Rants, Too!
Greg Montalbano
- Lurker Rants, Too!
Mark.Novitz at ny.ubs.com
- Lurker Rants, Too!
Greg Montalbano
- Lurker Rants, Too!
Joe Varo
- Lurker Rants, Too!
andrew at cee.hw.ac.uk
- Lurker Rants, Too!
MantaRay at aol.com
- Lurker Rants, Too!
Joe Varo
- Lurker Rants, Too!
MantaRay at aol.com
- M&D rewrite
- M&D rewrite
Joe Varo
- M&D rewrite
Ted Samsel
- M&D rewrite
- M&D rewrite
Rick Ayre
- M&D rewrite
- M&D rewrite
Nettie and Paul Aljian
- Makin' Bacon
- Malta
ckaratnytsky at nypl.org
- Matt Ruff
Henry M
- Matt Ruff
Mike Brehm
- Mausy Criticism
Mittelwerk at aol.com
- Mausy Criticism
LBernier at tribune.com
- Mausy Criticism
Alan Westrope
- Mausy Criticism
Jesse Wick
- MDMD (17) -- ch. 50 "ancient Revenge"?
Tim Thomas
- Meadow Mountain Massacre
the Robot Vegetable
- Meadow Mountain Massacre
the Robot Vegetable
- Mellon Fellowship -- FYI
ckaratnytsky at nypl.org
- Melville/Pynchon
MantaRay at aol.com
- Melville/Pynchon/Kabala
j minnich
- Melville/Pynchon/Kabala
Tod Mahony
- Midwest Academic Fiction
- Midwest Academic Fiction
Ted Samsel
- Midwest Academic Fiction
Roy Gordon
- milk and pee
Diana York Blaine
- milk and pee
Brett Coley (512/436-8987)
- milk and pee
- milk and pee
Paul Mackin
- milk and pee
Jason Witherspoon
- milk and pee
stencil at bcn.net
- milk and pee
David Casseres
- mindless pleasures
MASCARO at humnet.ucla.edu
- mindless pleasures
MantaRay at aol.com
- Miscellanous: To S. johnson and about Chris Marker
Joseph Cerrato
- Miscellanous: To S. johnson and about Chris Marker
S Johnson
- Monolopy
- Moody, Pynchon, Congrats
- More "thoughtcrime"
Ted Samsel
- More "thoughtcrime"
Henry M
- More Feetlebaum than you needed/wanted to know
Kyburz at asu.edu
- More Feetlebaum than you needed/wanted to know
David Casseres
- More Feetlebaum than you needed/wanted to know
David Casseres
- More Feetlebaum than you needed/wanted to know
MASCARO at humnet.ucla.edu
- More Feetlebaum than you needed/wanted to know
David Evers
- More International Pynchon Week '98
Eric Alan Weinstein
- More on:The Eichmann of Ballona
Christian Halpin
- More on Patti.....
Linda Highland
- Mortality and Miscellaneous in Florida
Steven Maas (CUTR)
- Mucho in Vineland
j minnich
- Mucho in Vineland
- Mucho in Vineland
j minnich
- Muted posthorn icons
doktor at primenet.com
- Muted Post Horns
Bob Norton
- my even better list
ckaratnytsky at nypl.org
- My Fav Word
- my list
ckaratnytsky at nypl.org
- Mystic Americans
- Nazi magick
Scott Wyant
- NewYork Pynchon Fan-Club Meeting!
Mittelwerk at aol.com
- NewYork Pynchon Fan-Club Meeting!
ckaratnytsky at nypl.org
- Night's Plutonian Shore
- nihilism (fwd)
C. Endicott
- Non-happenin' Hap
doktor at primenet.com
- Non-Pynchon, but also non-top-damned-ten
Alan Joyce
- no ruinous feud (was GR Chipco Stomp)
MASCARO at humnet.ucla.edu
- No subject
Fakhereddine Berrada
- No subject
Kyburz at ASU.Edu
- No subject
Ingrid Chesnick
- No subject
Brett Coley
- No subject
John Rigney
- No TP: It all makes sense now
Alan Joyce
- No TP: It all makes sense now
John Sutherland (S&T Onsite)
- Not sure I Know it when I see it...
C. Endicott
- Not sure I Know it when I see it...
Henry M
- Not sure I Know it when I see it...
Jason Witherspoon
- Not sure I Know it when I see it...
Andrew Clarke Walser
- Not sure I Know it when I see it...
C. Endicott
- Not sure I Know it when I see it...
David L. Pelovitz, Ph.D.
- Not sure I Know it when I see it...
David Casseres
- Not sure I Know it when I see it...
Henry M
- No we swear that isn't why
Diana York Blaine
- NP: From The Shoah Newsletter
- NP: Silly Web Trick
- NPR/Salinger
Henry M
- NP Re: what was that film again?
- NYPL Lotion Motion?
- NYPL Lotion Motion?
- Of Chavenet
the Robot Vegetable
- Of Chavenet
the Robot Vegetable
- Of Chavenet
LBernier at tribune.com
- Of Michelet et Macaulay
Henry M
- Of Michelet et Macaulay
- Oh, No! On this Day (was Int. P. Wk.)
fuhrel at ccmail.ccsn.nevada.edu
- One Bad Apple
- One Bad Apple
- One Bad Apple
Ken Jones
- On the Importance of Henry's Briefings
Stefan Schuber
- On the Importance of Henry's Briefings
MASCARO at humnet.ucla.edu
- On the Importance of Henry's Briefings
LBernier at tribune.com
- On the Importance of Henry's Briefings
Henry M
- On the Importance of Henry's Briefings
- On this day
Henry M
- On this day
Ted Samsel
- On this day
Henry M
- On this day
fuhrel at ccmail.ccsn.nevada.edu
- On this day
Henry M
- On this day
fuhrel at ccmail.ccsn.nevada.edu
- On this day
grip at netcom.com
- On this day
Henry M
- On this day
Henry M
- On this day
fuhrel at ccmail.ccsn.nevada.edu
- On this day
Henry M
- On this day
LBernier at tribune.com
- On this day
MantaRay at aol.com
- On this day
Henry M
- On this day
Henry M
- On this day
Henry M
- On this day
Henry M
- On this day
fuhrel at ccmail.ccsn.nevada.edu
- On this day
- On this day
Henry M
- On this day
fuhrel at ccmail.ccsn.nevada.edu
- On this day
andrew at cee.hw.ac.uk
- On this day
Ted Samsel
- On this day
Henry M
- On this day
Henry M
- On this day
fuhrel at ccmail.ccsn.nevada.edu
- On this day
Henry M
- On this day
Henry M
- On this day
Brett Coley
- On this day
Henry M
- On this day
fuhrel at ccmail.ccsn.nevada.edu
- On this day (Feb 1)
fuhrel at ccmail.ccsn.nevada.edu
- On this day (Feb 1)
Skip Wolfe
- On this day, cont...
Henry M
- On this Day, everyday
Murthy Yenamandra
- On this Day, everyday
- On this Day, everyday
MASCARO at humnet.ucla.edu
- On this day, twoo
Henry M
- On this day, twoo
Hartwin Alfred Gebhardt
- On this day -
Henry M
- On this day/OSMONDS?
MASCARO at humnet.ucla.edu
- On this day/OSMONDS?
David Dasinger
- On this day/OSMONDS?
MASCARO at humnet.ucla.edu
- On this day debate
Henry M
- On this day debate
andrew at cee.hw.ac.uk
- On this day debate
Henry M
- On this day debate
fuhrel at ccmail.ccsn.nevada.edu
- On this list
Henry M
- On this list
andrew at cee.hw.ac.uk
- On this list
Henry M
- On this list
Henry M
- On this list
andrew at cee.hw.ac.uk
- On this list
Henry M
- On this list
Joe Varo
- On this list
Joe Varo
- On this list
Henry M
- On this list
Murthy Yenamandra
- On this list
Henry M
- On this list
Paul Mackin
- On this list
- On this list
Paul Mackin
- On this list
Skip Wolfe
- Ontological Argument for Them
Paul Mackin
- Oooh boy! A Top Ten!
Adam J. Thornton
- Oooh boy! A Top Ten!
Craig Clark
- Opus Pistorum (was Re: Oooh boy! A Top Ten!)
- Oskar Schindler: War Criminal
MASCARO at humnet.ucla.edu
- Oskar Schindler: War Criminal
Brett Coley
- Oskar Schindler: War Criminal
Henry M
- Oskar Schindler: War Criminal
andrew at cee.hw.ac.uk
- Oskar Schindler: War Criminal
- other-bashing
- other-bashing
ckaratnytsky at nypl.org
- other-bashing
MASCARO at humnet.ucla.edu
- other-bashing
Joe Varo
- other-bashing, Levinas, Buber
Eric Alan Weinstein
- other-bashing, Levinas, Buber
- P-lists...
Curt Gardner
- P-lists...
David Casseres
- Pacific NW Pynchon list gathering
Penny Padgett
- Packer Paranoia
- Page translations of GR to other books!
Paul DiFilippo
- pc perf. bites bk & Coney Island High
Catherine P.
- pc perf. bites bk & Coney Island High
David Casseres
- pc perfessor bites back
Diana York Blaine
- pc perfessor bites back
grip at netcom.com
- pc perfessor bites back
Joe Varo
- pc perfessor bites back
Brett Coley
- pc perfessor bites back
David Casseres
- Personal Scatologies
Henry M
- Personal Scatologies
David Casseres
- Personal Scatologies
Andrew Dinn
- Personal Scatologies
David Casseres
- Personal Scatologies
MASCARO at humnet.ucla.edu
- Personal Scatologies
Paul Mackin
- Personal Scatologies
Daniel O'Hara
- Personal Scatologies
Henry M
- Personal Scatologies
Ted Samsel
- Perverting the Inverted
- phallogocentricism
Diana York Blaine
- phallogocentricism
hankhank at ccwf.cc.utexas.edu
- phallogocentricism
MASCARO at humnet.ucla.edu
- phallogocentricism
j minnich
- Piercing the Non-Truth
- Pirate apprenticeship
- Pirsig/Pynchon
Joan Celmer
- Piss Christ (Re: milk and pee)
- PLNY Lotion Motion
- PLNY Motion Lotion
- Pointsman's Fear
- Pointsman's Fear
Murthy Yenamandra
- Pointsman's Fear
- Pointsman's Fear
Henry M
- Pointsman's Fear
- Pointsman's Fear
Adam J. Thornton
- Pointsman's Fear
Henry M
- Pointsman's Fear
Fakhereddine Berrada
- Pointsman's Fear
Ted Samsel
- Pointsman's Fear
Craig Clark
- Pointsman's Fear
Bill Burns
- Poking fun at ...
LBernier at tribune.com
- Poking fun at ...
Joe Varo
- Poking fun at ...
Ted Samsel
- Poking fun at ...
Henry M
- Poking fun at ...
Paul Mackin
- Poking fun at ...
Ted Samsel
- Poking fun at ...
Henry M
- Poking fun at ...
Joe Varo
- Poking fun at ...
- Poking fun at ...
mglosup at randomc.com
- Poking fun at ...
David Casseres
- Poking fun at ... and all this stuff!!
robb monn
- Portland [OR] Pynchon gathering
Penny Padgett
- Posting Horns
Henry M
- Posting Horns
Gary Elshaw
- Proverb for paranoids
Murthy Yenamandra
- Proverb for paranoids
Henry M
- Proverb for paranoids
andrew at cee.hw.ac.uk
- Proverb for paranoids
Murthy Yenamandra
- Proverb for paranoids
MASCARO at humnet.ucla.edu
- Proverb for paranoids
Murthy Yenamandra
- Pumping Irony
- Pynchon & Moral Relativism
Paul Mackin
- Pynchon's List
Andrew Clarke Walser
- Pynchon's List
Ted Samsel
- Pynchon's List
Paul Mackin
- Pynchon (fwd)
- Pynchon (fwd)
Paul Mackin
- Pynchon, Status Quo, Love on a desert island
Eric Alan Weinstein
- Pynchon, Status Quo, Love on a desert island
Andrew Clarke Walser
- pynchon-l-digest V1 #386
Bob Norton
- pynchon-l-digest V1 #386
Tom Stanton
- pynchon-l-digest V1 #393
Paul Murphy
- pynchon-l-digest V1 #393
hankhank at ccwf.cc.utexas.edu
- Pynchon/Pirsig
Brett Coley
- Pynchon and the Status Quo
Andrew Clarke Walser
- Pynchon and the Status Quo
Paul Mackin
- Pynchon and the Status Quo
Jason Witherspoon
- Pynchon and the Status Quo
Brian D. McCary
- Pynchon Paranoiacs Unite!
Byrnes Weir
- Pynchon Paranoiacs Unite!
- Pynchon Paranoiacs Unite!
Skip Wolfe
- Random Catching Up: Pokler at the Movies
- Rathenau Frage
Montgomery Engel
- Rathenau Frage
Jan Klimkowski
- Rathenau Frage
Henry M
- Ratner's Star
LBernier at tribune.com
- Ratner's Star
Joe Varo
- Re- Matt Ruff
WillL at fieldschool.com
- Re- Matt Ruff
WillL at fieldschool.com
- real-life top ten (for those with, ahem, lives)
Mittelwerk at aol.com
- Real Books for Real Readers
- Regarding Henry
Craig G. Bleakley
- Regarding Henry
hankhank at ccwf.cc.utexas.edu
- Re Geli Tripping
Breytenbach, C T
- Re Geli Tripping
Adam J. Thornton
- Re Geli Tripping
Henry M
- Re Geli Tripping
Tom Stanton
- Re Geli Tripping
Jan Klimkowski
- Re Geli Tripping and Acid Humour
C. Endicott
- Rich Crit
- Rich Crit
- Rigney's Rant
Henry M
- Rigney's Rant
Craig Clark
- Roll Over, John Bunyan
- San Fran gathering
- San Fran gathering
Tom Stanton
- schindler's top-ten list
Mittelwerk at aol.com
- scientology
Linda Highland
- Seamier Academia
doktor at primenet.com
- Search the air for a German phrase...
Brett Coley
- Search the air for a German phrase...
Henry M
- Search the air for a German phrase...
Linda Highland
- Search the air for a German phrase...
Chris Stolz
- Search the air for a German phrase...
Reiner Haehnle
- Selinsgrove, was "dc gathering"
Skip Wolfe
- Selinsgrove, was "dc gathering"
chris abraham
- Serious academic novels
- Serious academic novels
Paul Mackin
- Sewers Gas Electric
- Sexercise
Mittelwerk at aol.com
- SF
Brian Collins
- SF?
Craig Clark
- Shindlers List (delete if tired of this debate)
Brian D. McCary
- Silence=Disapproval?
- Simple Request
- SL on NBC
Paul Murphy
- SL on NBC
Brett Coley
- SL on NBC
Kathleen Fitzpatrick
- SL on NBC
Bruce Appelbaum
- SL on NBC
David Casseres
- Spot the Lonney
- Spot the Lonney
Paul Mackin
- Spot the Lonney
Paul Mackin
- Spot the Lonney
David Casseres
- St. Clair River
Daniel Bump
- Steelhead Rants Again (was Re: Oskar Schindler: War Criminal)
- Steely's Alter(ed)-boy
Henry M
- Steely's Top 10
- Steely, Chris, Davemarc a-and Pynchon
Henry M
- T.P. gossip from Humboldt
Jay Herzog
- talk
hankhank at ccwf.cc.utexas.edu
- tee-hee/uh-oh
ckaratnytsky at nypl.org
- Thanks for Qlippoth comments, plus one more
Eric Alan Weinstein
- That C word, again
Henry M
- The Authentic Piss-Christ
Mittelwerk at aol.com
- The Authentic Piss-Christ
Kyburz at asu.edu
- The Eichmann of Ballona
- The Eichmann of Ballona
- The Eichmann of Ballona (slightly revised resend)
- The Gang's All Here
Henry M
- The Gang's All Here
Linda Highland
- The I Will Kill You When The Revolution Comes List
Mittelwerk at aol.com
- The Last Word on Eb/Hebe/Dweebonics?
deedle at loop.com
- The Men Who Wear the Star
Brett Coley
- The Men Who Wear the Star
Mark.Novitz at ny.ubs.com
- The Men Who Wear the Star
Mark.Novitz at ny.ubs.com
- The Men Who Wear the Star
- The name 'Vineland"
- The President in Germany
- The President in Germany
David Casseres
- the Qlippoth, Nazis, Pynchon
Eric Alan Weinstein
- the Qlippoth, Nazis, Pynchon
Jason Witherspoon
- the Qlippoth, walking shells of the Dead
Eric Alan Weinstein
- the Qlippoth, walking shells of the Dead
Alan Westrope
- the Qlippoth, walking shells of the Dead
j minnich
- the Qlippoth, walking shells of the Dead
andrew at cee.hw.ac.uk
- the Qlippoth, walking shells of the Dead
Paul Mackin
- the Qlippoth, walking shells of the Dead
David Casseres
- The Ultimate Valentines Gift
Diana York Blaine
- The unspeakable
Phillip P. Muth
- The Uptempo R-M Woods
- this is not a list
- thud
ckaratnytsky at nypl.org
- too many academics...
Mike Weaver
- too many academics...
- Top 10
the Robot Vegetable
- Top 10
Craig Clark
- Top 10
Henry M
- Top 10
Greg Montalbano
- Top 10
David Casseres
- Top 10, Henry's
Henry M
- Top 10--FW
- Top 10--FW
- Top 10--FW
David Casseres
- Top 10--FW
Donald Theall
- Top Nine List
Andrew Clarke Walser
- Top Ten bandwagon
j minnich
- Top ten list
D. Romanski
- Top Ten List
Basileios Drolias
- Top Ten Lists
Kevin Peraino
- Top Ten Lists
Dan Schmidt
- Top Ten Lists
Kathleen Fitzpatrick
- Top Ten Lists
grip at netcom.com
- Top Ten Lists
Jay Herzog
- top ten literary works
chris abraham
- top ten literary works
grip at netcom.com
- Top Ten Lit Lists
Greg Montalbano
- Top Ten Lit Lists
Mary Jo Knelly
- Top Ten Lit Lists
Greg Montalbano
- Top Ten Lit Lists
chris abraham
- TP's BD
Craig G. Bleakley
- TP's BD
ckaratnytsky at nypl.org
- Transit of Venus - M&D
Bart Westcott
- Travelibra
- TRP Home Page? (was Re: Aloes Editions)
Jason Witherspoon
- TRP Home Page? (was Re: Aloes Editions)
Brian D. McCary
- TRP Home Page? (was Re: Aloes Editions)
- Two Pronunciation of "there"
Joe Varo
- Two Pronunciation of "there"
- Two Pronunciation of "there"
- Two Pronunciation of "there"
grip at netcom.com
- UBER List
- urine lord
Diana York Blaine
- Valentine's Day Ball? (was Re: Packer Paranoia)
- Various Editions
Steven Maas (CUTR)
- Various Editions
Bruce Appelbaum
- Various Editions
Skip Wolfe
- Various Editions:M&MIV
Mike Weaver
- very sorry . . . no Pynchon Fan Club Meeting in New York.
Mittelwerk at aol.com
- Vidal's Essay
Geoffrey Long
- Vidal Rots Away in Italian Villa
Mittelwerk at aol.com
- Vollman, Mr. Sweet
OUTRSPACIA at aol.com
- Vollman, Mr. Sweet/Erickson
- War Of The Worlds in Brazil
Bob Norton
- War Of The Worlds in Brazil
Ted Samsel
- welles arcana
- welles arcana
MASCARO at humnet.ucla.edu
- welles arcana
John Boylan
- welles arcana
ckaratnytsky at nypl.org
- what was that film again?
Niall Martin
- what was that film again?
andrew at cee.hw.ac.uk
- what was that film again?
Henry M
- what was that film again?
Paul Mackin
- what was that film again?
David Casseres
- what was that film again?
Tom Stanton
- what was that film again?
Henry M
- When I'm wrong, I'm wrong!
doktor at primenet.com
- When I'm wrong, I'm wrong!
MASCARO at humnet.ucla.edu
- where am I?
Diana York Blaine
- where am I?
- where am I?
Joe Varo
- where am I?
Byrnes Weir
- WhiteBoard News
Mike Brehm
- whups...
m. powers
- whups...
andrew at cee.hw.ac.uk
- whups...
- whups...
Craig Clark
- Why All Literature Should Be Suppressed
Mittelwerk at aol.com
- Why Pynchon Moved East
Ted Samsel
- Why Pynchon Moved East
Steven Maas (CUTR)
- Why Pynchon Moved East
Henry M
- Why Pynchon Moved East
MantaRay at aol.com
- Why Pynchon Moved East
John Sutherland (S&T Onsite)
- Why Pynchon Moved East
Steven Maas (CUTR)
- Why Pynchon Moved East
ckaratnytsky at nypl.org
- Why Pynchon Moved East
the Robot Vegetable
- Why Pynchon Moved East
- Wile E. on Jury Duty
- Wile E. on Jury Duty
- will these lists never end?
Gary Elshaw
- Words of the Day
deedle at loop.com
- Words of the Day
David Casseres
- Words of the Day
C. Endicott
- WSJ best seller list
Michael Totty
- Yet another list
Lindsay Smith
- Yet another top ten list
Linda Highland
Last message date:
Fri Feb 28 22:22:26 CST 1997
Archived on: Tue Feb 20 18:13:50 CST 2018
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).