GR's Chipco Stomp Preview

andrew at andrew at
Fri Feb 7 05:37:00 CST 1997

Henry M. writes:
> While we are critiquing email techniqe, you, grip, appear to have 
> sent the partially quoted message below to both Redbug and the list, 
> causing it to arrive in Redbugs mail twice. You can save a recipients 
> bandwidth if you, when you reply to the list, you don't also reply to 
> a messages From:/writer/sender/author....

Err, just to note in passing that I often do this deliberately since
the direct email arrives quicker. This usually gives the person you
are repying to a chance to respond to your note before anyone else
(without excluding others too much). Promotes a better ping-pong in
the dialogue.

Sorry if I have strayed into writing about writing like some
theory-struck academic hack. Now about that novel that I just started
writing based in a Computer Science department . . .

Andrew Dinn
And though Earthliness forget you,
To the stilled Earth say:  I flow.
To the rushing water speak:  I am.

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