
C. Endicott cendicot at
Wed Feb 12 10:40:08 CST 1997

lickspittle (LIK-spit-l) n.

   origin:  combination of "lick" and "spittle", in use since the 17th C.

1.  a fawning underling, a toady.

   "But then came Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu, ever the voice of
    independent and critical thought. "We need a sycophantic, kow-towing,
    lickspittle media as much as we need a hole in the head," he told the
    editors' forum." 

  --Joshua Amupadhi, in the "Mail and Guardian"

   "...and with the sad reality that being a mere lickspittle, however
    adroit, just won't cut it anymore--expect technology to empower 
    the puerile.  Prepare for Robotoady!"

  --Owen Edwards, "Technology Meets the Toady"*

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