On this day

fuhrel at ccmail.ccsn.nevada.edu fuhrel at ccmail.ccsn.nevada.edu
Thu Feb 13 11:38:36 CST 1997

     I don't know who hate at atheist is but if you read this, why do you 
     probably hate me, if this was addressed to me?
     Bob Fuhrel

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Subject: Re: On this day
Author:  	hate <hate at atheist.tamu.edu> at SMTP-CCSN
Date:    2/12/97 3:09 PM

>      Charles Darwin was also born, on the same day as Lincoln, and the 
>      Beatles played Carnegie Hall for the first (maybe the only) time.  Bob 
>      Fuhrel
Also, wasn't 12 February the day of the Flint, MI, sit-down?
     I probably hate you.

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