JULIUS RAPER jrraper at
Wed Feb 19 10:11:39 CST 1997

Isn't BEEN DOWN SO LONG the Richard Farina novel?  It must not be news to
the list that Farina and TP were buds (roomies?) at Cornell.  At least
that's the story (rumor) I picked up long ago from a friend in grad school
who said he was in the Nabokov creative writing class TP took.  As I heard
it, Farina married Joan Baez's sister, so that TP would have had entry
the early 60s crowd associated with Baez, Dylan, and ultimately Ginsberg.
This tie, if more than myth, would create some interesting sources for the
WSC in V., provided this isn't all rays of BS generated by my grad school
	This is likely all old news to the list regulars?  Does it
resonate?                        JRR

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