When I'm wrong, I'm wrong!

doktor at primenet.com doktor at primenet.com
Thu Feb 20 05:32:10 CST 1997


*john m* writes:

>In a well intentioned post, *Jimmy* includes this gratuitous remark:
>> Obviously, I have no truck with the Derrida/Lacan/Foucault
>>school of literary criticism which holds that the only focus of critical
>>attention is the text, the whole text and nothing but the text.
>Good thing you included that *obviously* there, jimmy, since it lets me
>realize that
>you're just telling a--joke!  There ain't no such animal as the *school*
>you describe.  It's
>just a chupacabra.  The three names you link together (headmaster, dean of
>students and
>head of the English dept?  Moe Larry and Curly?) are very different
>writers and thinkers
>with very different aims.  I remain appalled at the way folks who can
>minutely analyze
>the difference between a history professor quoting Hitler and a skinhead
>quoting Hitler
>can just toss into a bag (school?) everything but the kitchen sink (which
>let it be known,
>can be found in the text of Derrida's seminal work: *TomToms and Soft
>Shoes: Freud's
>Orthopedia*) and think that's a legitimate way to argue a point.

That sound you hear is me being painfully brought up by the short hairs by
a more perspicacious Pynhead.  I suppose I shouldn't even _mention_ Alec


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