GRGR(11) - Last section of group read of Pt 1

Alan Westrope awestrop at
Thu Feb 20 23:26:13 CST 1997

On Thu, 20 Feb 1997, andrew at (Andrew Dinn) wrote:

>Part 1 is the first of four parts divided into 22 sections each
>separated by a line of seven squares. The sections appear to ramble
>all over the show in space and time. But actually, I will contend taht
>Part 1 has a very simple architecture.

>Each of the 22 sections is a self-contained episode.

A minor nit: I only count 21 sections.  However, this could be because
I can only count up to 21, and I have to be naked to get past 20.  :-)

Alan Westrope     PGP public key:
<awestrop at>
<awestrop at>
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