2 new threads?

doktor at primenet.com doktor at primenet.com
Wed Feb 26 13:27:42 CST 1997

While we're all in a state of nervous anticipation, hoping TRP won't pull a
Salinger (unless they really _are_ one and the same!) and bag M&D before it
even hits the shelves, I'd like to propose two new threads, one serious,
one not.

1) As a member of the bar (go ahead, I LOVE lawyer jokes), it has always
struck me that Lot 49's plot depends on legal procedures, namely,
inheritance and the duties of an executor (or, I suppose, executrix).  Lot
49's cast of characters includes at least three lawyers and a
Pynchonesquely-named law firm.  Still, I have never seen anything in the
literature exploring the problem of representation in Lot 49.
Representation is a lawyer's word and a metaphor word.  Metzger represents
Pierce Inverarity in both senses of the term.  Roseman represents Oedipa,
certainly in the lawyerly sense of the word, and possibly too in the
metaphoric sense of the word.  How similar is his desire both to conquer
and to emulate Perry Mason to Oedipa's desire both to expose and become
part of the Trystero?  Manny DiPresso represents mafioso Tony Jaguar in the
lawyerly sense, and represents the moral ambiguity involved in the lawyer's

This, I sense, is all undergraduate stuff.  Has anyone thought about taking
this to the next level?  The other thing I'd note about Lot 49 as a legal
thriller is that unless Pierce's heirs can be determined by the court, his
assets will escheat to the state.

2) I was interested in seeing in the announcement of a Pynchon conference
that filmmakers were to be invited.  Has anyone ever considered doing a
movie of any of Pynchon's works?  Who would be cast?  My own suggestions
for V. and Lot 49 are as follows:

V.--Charlotte Rampling
Benny Profane--John Goodman
Herbert Stencil--John Lithgow
Sydney Stencil--David Bowie
Rachel--Demi Moore
Esther--Bridgette Fonda
Pig Bodine--Danny DeVito

Oedipa--Uma Thurman
Mucho--Johnny Depp
Pierce (in flashbacks)--Robert Redford
The Paranoids--The Presidents of the United States of America
Dr. Hilarius--Dennis Hopper
Metzger--David Duchovny

Obviously there is a lot of room for cameos in both productions.  Ideas?


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