Gore Vidal on TRP gay?

Jason Witherspoon arzachel at SIRIUS.COM
Wed Feb 26 17:26:21 CST 1997

At 2:12 PM 2/26/97, Charles_Sligh at BAYLOR.EDU wrote:
>By the wayside:  for a most interesting reading of TRP and homosexual
>see Gore Vidal's characterization of TRP as "homophobic."
>The context--as always with Vidal--makes this remark intriguing.
>Vidal couches this quip within a mix of reservation and admiration for
>(Something like "_GR_'s scope indicates Pynchon has set his sights on
>godhead" and Vidal's hopes that the work will not fall into the clutches
>the academy.  No such luck.)

Well, he is, & quickly apologetic about it as well.  He accuses the G-men
who offed Dillinger off "faggotry" & then goes on to say something like
"and I'm not talking about *real* physical love between men, like in the
trenches of Passchendale"  (sorry, don't have my index handy).

So, uh, is that homophobic?  I dunno, is being repulsed by Republican
and/or G-men homosexuals homophobic?  Beats me (& they probably will!

                                                  Jason Witherspoon

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