confab a Seelbach

Diana York Blaine dyb0001 at
Sun Jan 26 09:53:03 CST 1997

Thanks for the invitation to those of us attending the Twentieth-Century
Lit conference, John.  I've signed up for the Friday dinner--have you?
(Or is that the desperate act of a nerd?  Guilty as charged!)  We could
all possibly meet there or after. A-and/O-or in a felicitous act of
harmonic convergence, Heikki and I have ended up on the same panel--a
Pynchon panel no less--which I believe meets Thursday afternoon.  I'd
certainly be willing to do a little moderate imbibing following our 15
minutes of fame...
Diana Blaine 

"It's Soo-SAY" 
    -W.C. Fields (as Mr. Souse)

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