"Enough is enough!" is enough!

Henry Musikar gravity at nicom.com
Fri Jul 25 11:27:49 CDT 1997

On 25 Jul 97 at 0:11, calbert at pop.tiac.net <calbert at pop.tiac.net> 

> Musikapon bloviates, 
> > Do you really believe that finding fault with something that you have 
> > said,
> You have to date only objected to my phrasing, had you bothered to
> engage my argument our sidebar would have taken on an entirely
> different character.

Are you such a bad writer that you never say what you mean?

> > then said you were only joking about
> I will accept that some on this list may have originally been 
> sincerely confused as to my motive -only you have obtusely persisted
> with such nonsense. 
> >and now apologize for, 
> I apologized, not for having taken offence at the suggestion that
> female voices were being stilled, but for the fact that Vaska
> appeared hurt by what she thought was malice on my part.

What a gentleman. Did your mama make you do that?
> > I'm just seeking truth, justice, and the  American way.
> >Prententious, moi?
> Thanks for sparing me the need to respond.

Then why did you?

> > And yes, your latest backpeddling "some of my favorite people are 
> > wimmins." 
> Musikar - you pixilated twit, once again, WHAT AM I " BACKPEDDLING"
> FROM???

You're the one who wrote it, Albert. You should know, but I don't 
really care. But ever mind "backpeddling." How about the whole "I 
really don't hate women" pedigree thing. 

> > As for coward, if the foo shits...
> This coming from a guy issuing cheap shots from behind (or is that
> "in") a petticoat. I'm guessing my "dork-knob" observation was right
> on target, eh? love, cfa

Ooch, ouch, eech, ooch...

Note the subject. More than enought is still enough. C "Marv" Albert 
and I have been just havin' a little fun here; just kidding. I'm done 
with it. Bigger fish to fry.

Henry Musikar
263 Congressional Lane, #411
Rockville, MD   20852

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