I reach for my gun

Katherine Catmull kate at bga.com
Sat Jul 26 21:04:50 CDT 1997

>[lots o' stuff deleted] and, having
>got no reply to that jewel of logic, posts his FIRST message to me to the
>list claiming he'd pressed a wrong button or something yesterday morning.
>And no one as much as blinks an eye.
>Except for he courtly wit who offers to silence me by way of ridicule.
>You're a hoot, the whole the lot of you, honourable exceptions duly excepted.

All RIGHT already--I'm new, I've been lurking, the guy you are debating
makes himself look more of an idiot every time he posts, no I don't know
why so many people on the nets go up in flames when they read the word
"gender," it is distressing indeed, but: I just GOT here, I am trying to
catch up on MD in order to join the MDMD, but I am never going to do that
if I try to read seemingly endless rehashes of arguments with goofballs.
This list is sagging badly under the weight of all these bad feelings. Just
let 'em be goofballs and let's move on, can't we?

Kate Catmull            kate at bga.com

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