Miscellaneous Musings

Mike Beiderbecke beider19 at IDT.NET
Thu Jun 5 17:18:56 CDT 1997

1.<major snippage from Shirley Lim>
>But when a good author like pynchon gets some fans, everyone suddenly feels
like they have to take them down a notch. Seems in some ways to be jealousy. We
>Pynchon fans, they must feel, are just pseudo-intellectuals who want to be
>seen as smarter than everyone else. 
<more snippage of good points>

        Why does Ayn Rand come to mind here? 

2. and from Bruce_Appelbaum
>I don't mind if they keep track of me, but if they try to extract my 
>precious bodily fluids I'm going to complain to THEM.

        Why does Leftenant Mandrake come to mind here?

3. then from MASCARO
>Hey, Murthy--can we set up pynchon-l so that every post has an icon of
>a woman perched languidly over a chair, book on knee, with the motto:
> *People Read Pynchon to Feel Smart*

Shouldn't that be:
  *People schlep around Pynchon to Look Smart*?

        I would be a bit hesitant to approach somebody I saw reading a
Pynchon book in public. They are probably a tad paranoid, but they are
certainly enjoying the book and don't want to be disturbed. Also, I would be
a bit hesitant to approach somebody, at say a bus stop, who was holding a
Pynchon book. Why aren't they reading?
4. on with Steve Maas
>Just think, for example, of suburbanite yups buying 4-wheel drive swamp
buggies >to go to the office and the B&N. . .  

        These people can also be identified by the fact that they pronounce
the word 'forte', for-tay.
5.Patrick Schreuder says
>It could be worse, there could be people who subscribe to this list just
for >status.

        The old cocktail party chatter: "yes, my for-TAY is pin-CHON. In
fact, I was just musing on the derivation, and various types, of ampersand.
There are also many other subtle nuances on the dust jacket, I have three
copies on my shelf back, spine, front. Have you noticed the effect? Not to
mention the dedication, and the first sentence that ............". 
        Maybe the logo should be, *subscribe to the P-list, and never have
to read the guy"


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