MDMD(1):J.P.Jones' Lobster bib idealism

Eric Alan Weinstein E.A.Weinstein at
Sun Jun 8 18:20:49 CDT 1997

>"I have not yet begun to fight" is a quote from American history.  John
Paul Jones I >believe.  I think he was captain of a ship in a sea battle
during the Revolutionary War. >His ship (or his fleet) was greatly damaged
at the start of the battle by British >warships.  When asked by his men
whether or not they were going to retreat, he >made his famous remark.  

I always thought John Paul Jones was in Led Zep? But that other chap, 
wasn't he dragged from a pub, tied to a tree, naked and blindfolded, 
with a lobster bib tied round each ear and two pistols aimed point 
black at either side of his head? When he uttered those immortal 
words, "I had not yet finished my pint, you utter bastards?"
Or perhaps that was Rowland Atkinson.  In either
phrase, you have to admire the man's gutsy idealism---
history must never forget. 

(Who wishes he had been a Founding Father, or 
perhaps one of Zappa's Mothers of Invention.)
Eric Alan Weinstein
Centre For English Studies
University Of London
E.A.Weinstein at 

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