how trashy can you get?

Paul Mackin mackin at
Wed Jun 11 09:26:39 CDT 1997

Vaska sez:
In the past ten+ years Pynchon's done one thing after another to revive his
literary career, both SL and _Vineland_ serving to keep us reminded he's
still around.  Why this belief that he might be averse to making money *and*
making sure he gets all the publicity he can?    

>>>>Serious  writers and intellectuals attack capitalism for
the same reason adventurers climb Mt. Everest. Few are adverse to accumulating a little dough, however. I'm with Vaska.


>At 5:45 PM 6/8/97, Jules Siegel wrote:
>>At 01:53 PM 06/8/97 -0800, millison at (Doug Millison)
>>>You could also say, we deserve to be treated the way we treat others.
>>>Pynchon writes books that respect and make irresistible, thrilling demands
>>>on our intelligence -- in return, he receives the hack broadcast journo
>>>treatment. It all seems so Pynchonesque.
>>He should have stayed with Epoch, then. He's got two press agents, a web
>>site and an advertising agency pumping frantically to produce this exposure.
>>--Jules Siegel Apdo 1764 Cancun QR 77501
>D O U G  M I L L I S O N>>>>millison at

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