Jules and the CNN pix

Peter Giordano Peter.Giordano at williams.edu
Thu Jun 12 07:31:51 CDT 1997

Henry said:
>While I would not be one to do so, I'm surprised that nobody on the
>list has called into question Jules ever even meeting Pynch, given no
>corob other than an ex, and now an unwillingness to identify Pynch.
I say:
I'd say that it is virtually impossible for Jules and TRP not to have
met at Cornell - All the rest however depends on your willingness to
accept one's word - One wonders if all those signed books will eventually
turn up - Has anybody ever heard of a signed Pynchon book?  I wonder if
he has ever signed anything say for a publisher or editor

Peter Giordano
Williams College
Williamstown, MA

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