TRP cabinet

David Casseres casseres at
Thu Jun 12 11:33:29 CDT 1997

Murthy sez

>David Casseres writes:
>> That Robot Veg sez
>> >	yeah, yeah, yeah, but who gets the position where the power
>> >*raelly* lies:  Press Sec?
>> Oh, that's easy.  Hunter Thompson again!
>No, leave HST to the BATF (and toss in the Drug Czar sinecure if he has
>too much free time). Press Secretary would be JD Salinger. Add William
>Gaddis for Attorney General (and the nominal head of the government
>mint), Joseph Heller for Defense, Wendell Berry for Agriculture and
>now you've got yourself a real cabinet.

Yer on a roll, Murthy.  I had nominated Rosa Parks for Defense, but how 
about giving her DOT instead?

Penny Padgett for Librarian of Congress, natch, and now for the hard one: 
Poet Laureate.  Any nominations?  (No, I don't wanna hear about a bunch 
of 90's rock bands.)


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