Spy on me, please!

jporter jp4321 at IDT.NET
Mon Jun 23 10:20:28 CDT 1997

In these post-privacy times, where tattoing your shaven bald self blue, and
piercing yourself with rings to the envy of chain mail, is still not enough
to get your self-absorbed, narcissistic, burnt out boomer parents to notice
your uniqueness, let alone your needs, is it any wonder why the world has
problems with the wishes of a man who'd rather not be photographed?

But returning to Wicks, aka, the Rev^ - who, while a man for all seasons,
is most recently, for now at least, In from the Cold- This personage of
global perspective, yet in this very local Philadelphia, come to light and
to enlighten with tales from before and beyond- To what interests does he
owe his station? Before, that is, the slippery LeSpark, who, no doubt, is
himself working on commission.

Excepting those few who achieve satori or its western equivalent (and how
could they say 'cept by parable and koan?), we may never know, any more
than any of us will ever really get to know Tom, except through his works.

So cults will arise and flourish...the difference between buddha and
buddha's statue. Look deep and long, but be not fooled, lest those tears
blurring your visto be mistaken for rivulets on the cheeks of the Virgin.


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