Franz the Sexist [Pig]
Wed Mar 19 10:14:29 CST 1997
[Pig] has to be bracketed as a term because of Pynchon's use of the creature.
Sexism demeans the animal.
But to the point--Andrew declares:
"The concept loses its value otherwise. Franz would respond to one
of Leni's male astrologer friends in exactly the same way he responds
to Leni. If there were only Franz's in this world then we would still
have lots of prejudice and misunderstanding but *no* sexism. The
prejudice would have been neutered."
It's not that simple, though. Franz is (initially) a sexist because
1) he views and uses Leni as a good hausfrau who will take care of the
home and kid while he runs around doing Important Stuff, like building
rockets. His dismissal of her "romantic" or "idealistic" views of rocketry
and politics is related but not the defining aspect of their relationship;
2) like other males, he is aroused by imagery and uses it to objectify the
female. Leni becomes Gretta Erdmann in his fantasies, fathering Bianca's
spritual twin in Ilse--I don't think the point could be plainer: Gretta
was, in practical terms, raped on the set of ALPDRUCKEN; Leni was at least
spiritually raped by Franz.
But just as radical Leni objectifies Jews and moves on from her own racism,
so Franz much later displays at least some potential for personal growth.
Don Larsson, Mankato State U (MN)
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