On this day: was: Re: R. Crumb and TRP

Robert Fuhrel fuhrel at ccrouter.ccsn.nevada.edu
Wed Mar 19 10:13:41 CST 1997

     Another undoubtedly relevant anniversary, the birth of Ornette Coleman 
     in 1930.  Bob Fuhrel

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Subject: R. Crumb and TRP
Author:   Jay Herzog <jwh7 at axe.humboldt.edu> at smtp-ccsn
Date:    3/19/97 1:04 AM

        I recall before I read Gravity's Rainbow someone described it as
being "a cross between James Joyce and Zap Comix". I have to admit 
although I like Joyce, the comparison to Crumb's work seemed more apropo. 
(another capsule description of GR was "Catch 22 as written by Wm. 
Burroughs). It's pretty absurd to try to reduce GR to a blurb...like 
writing the lord's prayer on the head of a pin.

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