Selling at a brisk pace???

Chris Sweet csweet at
Thu May 1 00:44:38 CDT 1997

Pete W. wrote:
> Henry Musikar wrote:
> > When I picked up my copy during lunch (patient, ain't I?), it was
> > the
> > only copy on reserve. The others were stacked as high as the other
> > books on the shelf.
> I work at Barnes & Noble in KC.  The M&D I bought today was the only one
> sold before I left at 9:30 PM.  There's a big display at the front door,
> though, and it's 30% off, so I'm sure it will pick up.
> pete w.

I worked a half day today (so I could come home and read). When I left
around noon we had sold 2 copies, one of which was to myself. I imagine
that the novel will sell well at independent stores at first seeing
as those are the type of stores Pynchon people generally tend to
Once to book makes the best sellers though I think sales at chain stores
will pick up. Book sales tend to increase for best sellers just by
of the fact they are best sellers.


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