CBS sunday Morning M&D Review

Chris Sweet csweet at
Sun May 4 09:32:56 CDT 1997

Andrew S. Chesnick wrote:
> Ref.: Mason Dioxin Review
>   I just saw a very good literary review for Network Television. The CBS
> Sunday Morning show had a very pleasant review of  Mason & Dixon. Did
> any one else happen to see it ?Does CBS have a WWW site where one could
> read it in total? I caught it halfway through between the munching of
> corn flakes and the din of children being forced off to church and
> missed a few parts.

I happened to turn my TV on just as this was starting. A very
good review of M&D plus a little overview of Pynchon's work
as a whole. John Leonard did the review by the way. Wasn't his
name attached to one of the reviews I've seen pass through
here in the past few days? I like his description of Vineland
as an Icelandic saga on Lysergic Acid. Would love to get a
tape of the segment. It ran about 5 minutes in total.


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