The List

Henry Musikar gravity at
Wed May 7 08:13:10 CDT 1997

Ditto. IMHO, the Pynchon-L is a virtual community that has in common 
an interest in the life and literature of Thomas Ruggles Pynchon. 
Most messages to the list concern that common interest, but like any 
community, there are gonna be discussions that you don't want to be 
involved with: spoilers, perhaps, or messages from particular 
individuals or on certain topics, or messages decrying certain 
individuals or topic, etc.. 

I suggest that if you don't want to read something, don't read it. 
Unlike an actual salon, nobody will notice when you walk out of the 
room when you don't want to hear something. You don't even have to 
stifle that yawn.

Well, guess I'll put on some clothes now.

On  7 May 97 at 7:47, Steven Maas (CUTR) <maas at> 

> still lookin 4 the face i had b4 the world was made wrote:
> > I consider Siegel's posting of argumentative personal e-mail to this list to
> > be spam.  Ultimately it is self-serving.  His posts are always about himself
> > and his contacts/arguments with others.  The rest of us are trying to focus
> > on Pynchon and his work.  It is sad that, as you say, this "infamous former
> > classmate" of TRP's has nothing better to do than play parasite.
> So is _this_ post of yours "focus[ed] on Pynchon and his work"?  And
> please be careful when referring to members of the list as "the rest
> of us"--the members of this list hardly form a monolithic whole,
> whether in opposition to Jules or on any other issue (except,
> possibly, for _one_ issue).  In my opinion, Jules' posts are as
> welcome here as are yours or anyones else's.  Steve Maas

Henry Musikar

Keep cool, but care. -- TRP
Moderation in moderation. -- Husky Mariner
DON'T PANIC! -- Hitchhiker Guide to the Galaxy

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