The List

Peter Giordano Peter.Giordano at
Wed May 7 08:29:05 CDT 1997

Henry said (in response to  a series of postings below):
>Ditto. IMHO, the Pynchon-L is a virtual community that has in common
>an interest in the life and literature of Thomas Ruggles Pynchon.
>Most messages to the list concern that common interest, but like any
>community, there are gonna be discussions that you don't want to be
>involved with: spoilers, perhaps, or messages from particular
>individuals or on certain topics, or messages decrying certain
>individuals or topic, etc..
>I suggest that if you don't want to read something, don't read it.
>Unlike an actual salon, nobody will notice when you walk out of the
>room when you don't want to hear something. You don't even have to
>stifle that yawn.
>Well, guess I'll put on some clothes now.

>> still lookin 4 the face i had b4 the world was made wrote:
>> > I consider Siegel's posting of argumentative personal e-mail to this
>>list to
>> > be spam.  Ultimately it is self-serving.  His posts are always about
>> > and his contacts/arguments with others.  The rest of us are trying to
>> > on Pynchon and his work.  It is sad that, as you say, this "infamous
>> > classmate" of TRP's has nothing better to do than play parasite.

To which Steve Maas said:
>> So is _this_ post of yours "focus[ed] on Pynchon and his work"?  And
>> please be careful when referring to members of the list as "the rest
>> of us"--the members of this list hardly form a monolithic whole,
>> whether in opposition to Jules or on any other issue (except,
>> possibly, for _one_ issue).  In my opinion, Jules' posts are as
>> welcome here as are yours or anyones else's.  Steve Maas

I said to Steve:
I agree that one should be careful about censoring what is allowed
as public discourse - But it cuts both ways - Ridicule and insults are
also a method of censorship

Now I say:
The Pynchon List, like most lists can be a valuable tool and
a great way to gain insight into a topic and have conversations
with people you wouldn't normally run into - But it is also
a phenomenal (sp/) source of misinformation and nonsense - - For those who
argue that this list is about TRP, you are half right - It's also about
the people who are interested in TRP - Unlike some
sycophants on this list I am not going to make the
self-serving remark that this is the "most intellectual
list on the internet" - Yeah, it's interesting and I'm pleased
to participate but it merely a list like any other - But I'll also
tie this discussion directly to TRP:  Think of a system where
people can broadcast information about an individual all
around the world whether that information is true or not - As
a fan of TRP I am interested in this issue (among others)

For those who argue that everybody has a right to an opinion,
I'd agree - But we all also have the right to be treated fairly
and honestly

Peter Giordano
Williams College
Williamstown, MA

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