The List

still lookin 4 the face i had b4 the world was made traveler at
Wed May 7 13:37:57 CDT 1997

On Wed, 7 May 1997, Peter Giordano wrote:
> only point (and I suspect that we agree) is that one cannot prevent such
> garbage, one can only evaluate it for what it is than move on - Otherwise
> it is an endless series of flame wars 

Agreed.  I have been on-line long enough to learn that it is a waste of time
and energy to get involved in extended flaming.  I intend henceforth to say
as little as I can manage about the Infamous Former Classmate.

> And to bring it back to a discussion of TRP - The issues around how to
> deal with such garbage are raised in TRP's works - It is amazing that by
> seeking privacy he becomes a victim of somebody who happened to know him
> decades ago

It seems to justify his seclusion, doesn't it?

I personally admire TRP for his low profile.  I can only speculate as to
his motives, but given the things he writes about, I imagine he may be
trying to avoid becoming a mere "celebrity" of the modern media.  By his
seclusion, he remains purely a writer, and must be understood by what he
writes--not by how he looks on TV or on his book jacket photos, or what he
says in book tour interviews.  Or maybe he's just shy.  In any case, it
is distinctly refreshing!


 M a x i m u s  D a v i d  C l a r k e | The realm of God is dangerous.
 | You must enter into it and not
                 "Surrealist-At-Large" | just seek information about it.
                      traveler at | --Anthony Bloom

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