The List

Peter Giordano Peter.Giordano at
Wed May 7 13:01:03 CDT 1997

He said:
>Of course everyone has a right to their own opinion.  This is the
>Internet...  I am all in favor of unrestricted communication.  I never said
>a word about "censorship" or the like.  I simply expressed my opinion, which
>I will stand by:  ***'s posting of personal exchanges of insulting e-mail
>is, IMO, garbage.  Your mileage may vary, and it's a matter of degrees--when
>does a debate turn into a flame war?  But I don't see any relevance to TRP
>in a lot of what he posts.  Unless you think that anything he writes is
>important, just b/c he once knew TRP.  Which is what *** himself seems to
>think...  I however do not.
I say:
I would not have thought that you were advocating censorship - In fact, the
closest we get to censorship on this list is the person you describe above
who tries to kill all discussion with what you (correctly) refer to as
garbage - My
only point (and I suspect that we agree) is that one cannot prevent such
one can only evaluate it for what it is than move on - Otherwise it is an
endless series
of flame wars And to bring it back to a discussion of TRP - The issues
around how
to deal with such garbage are raised in TRP's works - It is amazing that by
privacy he becomes a victim of somebody who happened to know him decades ago

Peter Giordano
Williams College
Williamstown, MA

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