Pynchon as Garcia Marquez

jroca at jroca at
Wed May 7 13:45:57 CDT 1997

M&D's style certainly feels a lot like Garcia Marquez' 100 Years of 
Solitude.  The descriptions of backgrounds, filial (and not filial) 
relationships, and nature in general are reminiscent of Garcia Marquez' 
magical realism when describing similar scenarios.

This made me go skim back through Vineland just a teeny bit to see if there 
was any similarity in regard to Garcia Marquez.  And, I think that there 
is...almost as if Garcia Marquez had written something taking place in a 
technologically advanced Colombia.  In my mind, in Mason& Dixon as well as 
in Vineland there are these fantastical occurrences taking place side by 
side with the "ordinary", which doesn't seem to really surprise the 
characters.  All things are possible, and the fantastic appears to be 
common-place.  This is very similar to 100 Years of Solitude, The Autmun of 
the Patriarch, and Erendira.

And...TRP did review Garcia Marquez' last book for the Sunday New York 
Times.  So, he is familiar with him.

Am I full of shit?


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