Famous couples (possible spoiler)

Steven Maas (CUTR) maas at cutr.eng.usf.edu
Thu May 8 08:39:08 CDT 1997

I'm sure I'm butchering the spelling, but--Peachy Carnahan and Daniel
Davit?  Not that M&D were amoral fortune hunters, but for the camaraderie
and adventurousness.

	Steve Maas

On Thu, 8 May 1997, Paul DiFilippo wrote:

> Still standing on the sidelines with the non-readers of M&D, but
> also moved to wonder:  what famous pairings should we associate
> with our privotal pair of M&D?  Amos and Andy?  Sonny and Cher?
> I believe Laurel and Hardy have been nominated already.  Rowan
> and Martin?  Lewis and Martin?  Lassie and Timmie?  Let's
> have more nominations, with supporting details!

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