
Sean Hoade shoade at iusb.edu
Fri May 9 09:19:18 CDT 1997

I couldn't agree more.  While I wouldn't want some jerk telling me all the
ends tie up nicely :) I enjoy hearing commentary about what's coming.  I
read each spoiler and don't feel anything's been spoiled yet.  That's one
nice thing about TRP not writing heavily plot-driven novels...

           Sean A. Hoade             | "I think the brain is the most
          shoade at iusb.edu            |   wonderful organ in the body.
   Check out my outpost on the Web:  |    But look what's telling me that."
     http://oit.iusb.edu/~shoade     |                 -- Emo Phillips

On Fri, 9 May 1997, Gary L. Thompson wrote:

> I'm moving slowly to start M&D, owing to Pressing Business in other 
> areas. But so far as I read, I appreciate the level of anticipation 
> created by P-list comments and questions. I hit the reference to the 
> L.E.D. last night (_really_ early, eh?) and said, "Oh, so that's where 
> the L.E.D. blinks reference goes." 
> Keep the messages for those who want 'em, but as for me--spoil away!
> Gary Thompson
> Saginaw Valley State University
> University Center, MI  48710
> 517-790-4308
> fax 517-790-7638
> "No matter how cynical I get, I just can't keep up."
> 				--Lily Tomlin

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