The List

Jules Siegel jsiegel at
Fri May 9 11:22:56 CDT 1997

At 12:02 PM 05/9/97 -0400, Bruce_Appelbaum at (Bruce Appelbaum)
>     Then again, maybe it was just some old guy who had to pee.

[snip full thread on old guy--talk about infinite fractals]

The thing to have done would have been to have examined the credit card
voucher on his check, as Thomas Ruggles Pynchon, Jr., uses his real name on
his credit card, and, apparently, on his driver's license.

Picture sharp but not very bright clerk: "Oohhhh! Are you *the* Thomas
Ruggles Pynchon, Jr.?" Reply, perhaps: "No, I'm a very thorough Pynchon

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Jules Siegel
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