The Final Solution

Jules Siegel jsiegel at
Mon May 12 08:51:50 CDT 1997

At 03:11 PM 05/11/97 -0400, Peter.Giordano at (Peter Giordano) wrote:

>1) It is interesting (to me) that Jester has read the book in question and
has made an effort to find some value in the postings of the ifc (perhaps he
was not yet sent a message that he was going to have his "faced ripped off")

Jester understands and appreciates hyperbole and evil humor. When I told him
I was sending One-Eyed Louis to his place of business with a steel baseball
bat to discuss his review of Lineland, he responded "Hahahaha! Very nice."
Please apply privately for your Humor Implant. The behind-the-ear model is
not going to work in your case, and the Strap-On Enema Version requires
custom fitting.

[Doktor? Mittelwerk? Have you finished adapting the fire hose? "Good golly
he sure is _all_ asshole ain't he? .... Grab him 'fo' he gits away!"]

>Finally, would the 1977 article have any value if there was not such a lack
of ready data? 

Glad to see that "finally." Hope you mean it.

There have been many favorable comments on the article itself, without
reference to the subject matter. I've also written about public figures who
were actually eagerly seeking publicity, far from being reclusive. Among
them were Bob Dylan, Brian Wilson, Sterling Hayden, Joseph Heller and James
Taylor. These articles, too, were received with great interest and, in some
cases, outrage. This is the first time in my career, however, that I've been
subjected to the kind of repetitive, semi-literate ducksquawking in which
you indulge yourself at such great length.

I believe everyone on the list is now aware of your position. My work has no
value (or never existed) and I am a contemptible drip of snot. Anything I
say is self-serving, opportunistic propaganda. You've made your case and it
is an excellent one. You've won! Dale, please take all copies of Lineland
out to the Dumpster. We can't continue provoking Peter into discharging so
much righteous verbal diarrhea on the sensitive folks of pynchon-l.

Professional English-Language Editorial Services
Jules Siegel
>From US:
Apdo 1764 Cancun Q. Roo 77501 Tel 011-52-98 87-49-18 Fax 87-49-13

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