GR Movie

still lookin 4 the face i had b4 the world was made traveler at
Tue May 13 20:31:50 CDT 1997

On Mon, 12 May 1997, Peter Giordano wrote:
> One might wonder about Pat Benatar's version of GR or if
> it were ever sung by Humble Pie
> #   Title                         Name or 245         Publisher      Date L
>   1  Gravity's rainbow             Benatar, Pat.       Chrysalis Reco 1993
>    2  Gravity's rainbow             Benatar, Pat.       Chrysalis,     1993 D
>   3  Gravity's rainbow /           Pynchon, Thomas.    Cape,          1973 D

Speaking of relevant songs, Laurie Anderson did a song called "Gravity's
Angel," in which she sings the words "gravity's rainbow" at least once
(maybe many times).  I've not been able to judge how relevant the song is to
the book, but it's been a while since I read _GR_.

The song can be found on Laurie Anderson's _Mister Heartbreak_ album, which
came out in 1984.  Incidentally, William Burroughs did vocals on one song,
and Peter Gabriel collaborated on another ("Excellent Birds," a version of
which appeared on his album _So_).


 M a x i m u s  D a v i d  C l a r k e | The junk merchant doesn't sell his
 | product to the consumer, he sells
                 "Surrealist-At-Large" | the consumer to the product.
                      traveler at | --William S. Burroughs

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