Lineland as Pynchon Authority (redux)
still lookin 4 the face i had b4 the world was made
traveler at
Mon May 12 16:58:26 CDT 1997
On Sat, 10 May 1997, Jules Siegel wrote:
> I think the ruckus the back cover will create among those who take it
> literally may have some value anyway.
Then he wrote:
> About my credibility:
> I have rarely, if ever, been caught in a significant error of fact. I have
> an unchallenged reputation for absolute integrity and editorial honesty.
Not counting an admittedly hyped-up, verging on deceptive, cover blurb...
And actually, Siegel, you have been caught in significant errors of fact
just this month on this list! Your hyperbolic statements about your book
being some sort of totally new kind of text have been thoroughly debunked by
many P-Listers who have presented other examples of "Internet books" like
_Lineland_. Don't go whining that it was all a joke for the cover, that has
been misunderstood! You explicitly and seriously claimed, here on this
list, that you were a publishing and literary genius because of _Lineland_.
If you have amnesia, I'll be happy to repost your mail on the subject.
Or, anyone who wishes can order an extract of selected P-List messages,
together with some slapdash commentary, printed on a high-quality dot-matrix
printer and hand-stapled by ME (Yes! I will do it all myself! I am a
pioneer, a wunderkind!), featuring a cover _I_ designed, and bearing my own
signature! The title of this earthshattering tome? _SCAMLAND: My Radical,
Virtual, Post-Modern Experiences in "Cyberspace," "Surfing" the "Net" and
Getting Into "Flame-Wars" with Some Schmo Who Went to College with Thomas
Send a check or money order for $19.95 to:
Max Clarke
2725 SW 27 Ave., #J-8
Gainesville, FL 32608
for your exclusive first edition copy! I'll ship it out to you as soon as I
write it...
Serious inquiries only. No letter bombs, please. Not available in Mexico.
M a x i m u s D a v i d C l a r k e | All journeys have secret | destinations of which the
"Surrealist-At-Large" | traveler is unaware.
traveler at | --Martin Buber
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