Reading speed

David Casseres casseres at
Wed May 14 10:45:24 CDT 1997

davemarc sez
>Some foax here do seem to be fast readers, but I'm not among them.  I
>managed to read M&D in eleven days, averaging 70-75 pages a day.  I spent
>about three hours a day reading the book (that's about my usual hourly rate
>of 25 pages per hour).  Had the prose been simpler, I would've read more
>pages per day.

I bet I'm even slower.  Well last weekend I finally got through my latest 
read of Gravity's Rainbow; then I gobbled up Longitude like a good little 
student.  And tonight, tonight I will at last crack open that enormous 
bolus of literary energy and god nose wot else, Mason and Dixon, which 
has been sitting on my bedside table for many nights now, pulsating 
slightly in the darkness, gleaming imipolectically in the dawn and 
evening lamplight....


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