A Fool There Was

Jeffrey Hildt JHildt at operanews.com
Thu May 15 17:30:27 CDT 1997

>Gary Thompson notes, of the album THE FOOL:
>"The record was produced by Graham Nash--released by Mercury records, and BMI
>has publication rights. 

Just a detail, but BMI is a *performance* licensing organization, not a
music publisher.  They pay composers when their work is performed (on
the radio, live, etc.).  ASCAP is the other organization that does
this.  Neither of these is a music *publisher* which is the company that
owns the composition's copyright (which allows them to record and sell
records, print and sell sheet music, etc.).

A composer gets paid 
1. if his or her work is performed (BMI/ASCAP) 
2. when the work is sold on record or sheet music (by the publisher who
collects as the copyright holder based on sales).

Incidentally, the performing artist only gets paid when a record sells,
not when it's played.  The composer gets paid on both occasions (but
much less than the artist for record sales).

In other words, BMI doesn't have *publication* rights to anything.

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