M&D 773

RICHARD ROMEO RR.TFCNY at mail.fdncenter.org
Wed May 21 11:44:00 CDT 1997

Dave asked:

Re:  Toon Imagery

"The image is that of the interior (house, compartment) that is much 
than the thing itself appears to be from the outside.  I think I saw a
cartoon in which Bugs goes inside an Arabian tent only to find that the
interior is a huge mansion, but no one seems to remember this. "
One I can think of offhand is Bugs and Yosemite Sam each trying to force 
the other outta some nameless Western town ("I dare ya to cross this 
line, this one, this one....).  There is a scene at the railroad 
station.Within a railroad car that from the outside looks like itself but 
inside is this large rollicking saloon, with boozed up cowboys obviously 
stripped from some grade z western. 

Richard Romeo
Coordinator of Cooperating Collections
The Foundation Center-NYC
rromeo at fdncenter.org

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