M&D 773
Monte Davis
modavis at bellatlantic.net
Fri May 23 06:51:35 CDT 1997
What a ride.
I'll put my money on AASB -- "as above, so below" -- as the Prime Acronym
for the group reading. He's reminded me of a yearning between earth and sky
that changes what I see looking west at the Watchung range, or in the scan
of a Van Gogh wheatfield that's this week's wallpaper on my PC. For
reference hounds, "Hamlet's Mill" by Giorgio de Santillana and Hertha von
Dechend, should be a gold mine.
I missed some of the manic 20th-century energy of GR, yes; the Jesuit
Network and Maskelyne's wardrobe are the vintage stuff, but overall there's
not nearly so much tap-dancing and juggling and somersaulting for my
amusement. Instead, a generosity of spirit towards many characters that
only Benny, Tyrone, and a few others have been granted before. Fair trade.
Whatever Vineland's shortcomings, the lyrical dream-time reunion at the end
was splendid. I wanted a longer stay there. M&D delivers, and reassures me
that it's still going on, just a little way down the Visto, just the
thinnest of skins away from every prosaic day.
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