
Sean Klein seandkle at sybase.com
Wed May 21 15:27:00 CDT 1997

I might as well put my 0.02 in....

My wife is a very busy attorney who barely has time to read for pleasure.
When she does, it's usually mass market horror (King, Koontz, Saul), Martha
Stewart Living, or design magazines.  Nonetheless, her college thesis was on
The Great Gatsby and she's read most of the great fiction of the early 20th
century.  I suspect if GR or M&D were ever put onto books on tape she may 
give them a try on a long business trip.

Even though she doesn't read Pynchon, Amis, Boyle, or any of that other stuff, I love her anyway.  (Brains in a woman, the ultimate aphrodisiac.)

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