TOTN Summer Book Program

Peter Petto ppetto at
Thu May 29 23:09:21 CDT 1997

I happened to be in the car yesterday when NPR's Talk of the Nation program
on summer books was on. I only heard a little more than a third of it, but
during that time they managed to ignore our man. I heard each of the
principals, Alan Cheuse, Susan Stamberg, and Corey Flintoff (sp's?) give
their opening pitches.

Cheuse led off, mentioning that two of the greatest writers have new books
out: Saul Bellow and Phillip Roth. Neither Susan or Cory even got warm. I
heard the first several callers, of which a few mentioned books by friends
of Alan.

I usually find I dislike most of what Susan likes, but there are always
exceptions -- she's an F. Scott Fitzgerald nut, and I like him. Right at
the end she read a great poem called Survival Course by William Stafford. I
stopped at the library on the way home and found that I like a lot of his

Did anyone here hear the whole show? Was TRP mentioned? I'm just curious.

Peter Petto         |       ppetto at
Bay Village, Ohio   |   PGP public key available

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