Brock and Frenesi

David Casseres casseres at
Mon Dec 7 12:38:31 CST 1998

Chris the lovely K sez
>     Quoth Peter, feeling a little guilty--perhaps?--about his Zoydian
>     fantasies:
>     >Is it just her baby blues and great legs? (I hope not.)
>     A bona fide question (not merely a tweak):  What would be the problem,
>     if it didn't amount to anything more than that?  Au contraire, I'd be
>     worried if it did!
>     Absent her layered mythopoetic significance (which is considerable),
>     Frenesi grows increasingly less complex as a human woman character--to
>     me, anyway.  Ideologically speaking, she's a cipher, a traitor, a
>     rootless and self-motivated hedonist who moors her vacillations through
>     political limbo with a continued fascination for totalitarian
>     salvation.  <insert broken record noise here>
>     Think of Jane Fonda as we've come to know her over the years, pre- and
>     post-Ted.  Luscious body, but, damn, if she hasn't made you puke with
>     her politics, Peter, then I'm running!  As Steely sez, Hayden, WHAT
>     were you thinking?!

Oh gawd, just as I was wondering who we'd cast as Frenesi in VuLVaL the
Movie, here's Chris with the answer.  If she didt'n puke ya then, she'll
puke ya now.  Bill Clinton's secret sister, Charlton Heston's antiparticle.

(I was thinking of Faye Dunaway before, but it's gotta be Jane....)


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