Lighting "the Amerikan dark" (VL235.39); was Re: Majorities Moral and Otherwise

pmackin pmackin at
Tue Dec 15 10:19:42 CST 1998

BekkerA at wrote:
> In a message dated 12/15/98 3:23:01 AM, rjackson at wrote:
> >Rex Snuvvle in _VL_:
> >"You're up against the True Faith here, some heavy dudes, talking
> >crusades, retributions, closed ideological minds passing on the
> >Christian Capitalist faith intact, mentor to protege, generation to
> >generation, living inside their power, convinced they're immune to all
> >the history the rest of us have to suffer. They are bad, bad's they
> >come, but that still doesn't make us good, not 100%, Weed." (VL232.5)
> ***************
> We talking Pynchon or impeachment here? (g)

Bill's situation seems to fit. Don't know about Socks. (the cat that is)

On another thread, I have long forgotten and am anxious to find out what
eventually happens to Rex. As am alternative to Neil's 'wreaks novel'
will 'Rex in a fall' be justified? Murder will out. Or will it?


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