Doug Millison millison at online-journalist.com
Tue Dec 15 16:51:13 CST 1998

At 5:42 PM -0500 12/15/98, ckaratnytsky wrote:[snip]
>But I'm definitely not sssweet Jane.  She's just a babe in toyland,
>     methinks.  A poser, stricly second-rung, eh Jane?

"She" will be gone within a day or two, I predict. Colleges still send all
the loser freshmen away for Christmas, don't they? Almost forgot -- I
forfeit the shit-eating contest to "Jane", no way anybody could top that

D O U G  M I L L I S O N  [http://www.online-journalist.com]
Never get into a stinking match with a skunk.--Cowboy philosophy

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