
Mitchell R Coffey Mitchell_R_Coffey at vitro.com
Tue Aug 3 16:25:00 CDT 1999

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Spencer Thiel <spen at sirius.com> at Internet
> Sent: Monday, August 02, 1999 3:12 PM
> To: Coffey, Mitchell R
> Cc: pynchon-l at waste.org at INTERNET
> Subject: RE: Holocaust
> At 9:54 AM -0400 8/2/99, Mitchell R Coffey wrote:
> >Holocaust scholars tend to include the genocide of the
> Gypsies.  The idea is
> >this.  Many groups were systematically targeted by the Germans and
> >their allies,
> >and murdered in the concentration camps. Yet, only in the
> case of the Gypsies
> >and Jews were groups targeted with the explicit aim of
> exterminating an ethnic
> >group.
> >
> >Mitchell Coffey
> At the risk of sounding naive, does sharing a religion qualify a
> group as an ethnic group?
> -
> st.
> -

No, you are not naive; you are right.  It's just that the Nazi's were stupid
whenever necessary for the advancement of their collection of bigotries.  They
believed that Jews were a distinct genetic grouping, which they aren't.

I erred when I used the term "ethnic group" without qualification.  Thanks for
the correction.

Mitchell Coffey

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