August 1999 Archives by subject
Starting: Sun Aug 1 07:30:21 CDT 1999
Ending: Tue Aug 31 18:55:28 CDT 1999
Messages: 355
- "I'm an Insect" Ivan K.
Terrance F. Flaherty
- "sign and symptoms and symbols"
Terrance F. Flaherty
- "The Try-Works"
Terrance F. Flaherty
- "The Try-Works"
Doug Millison
- "The Try-Works"
Doug Millison
- (Fwd) BRAFF!
calbert at
- Agape Agape
Richard Romeo
- atom bomb urban legend
Earl Maglangque
- Blair Witch Project
Richard Romeo
- Blair Witch Project
MalignD at
- Blair Witch Project
Elizabeth Rose Lucas
- Blair Witch Project
Paul Mackin
- Brennschluss on the big screen
David Foreman
- Colo(u)r sense
- Colo(u)r sense
- Colo(u)r sense
- Colo(u)r sense
Spencer Thiel
- Colo(u)r sense
Joshua T
- Color nonsense
Robert Norton
- Color sense
Joshua T
- Color sense
Spencer Thiel
- Color sense
Joshua T
- Colour Nonsense
Terrance F. Flaherty
- Colour Nonsense
Joshua T
- correction: Pynchon mentioned in NY Times article on Cryptonomicon...
Doug Millison
- Corso
Robert Norton
- crosscurrentseas: waves "writing" e-list as you see/be it becomes aspiralling
Daniel Carter
- Desperately seeking...
- Drugs and Pleasure
Michael D. Workman
- Drugs and Pleasure
- Finland
calbert at
- Fwd: Astrology/Metaphysics: Astrology And The Power of the Dragon
Richard Romeo
- goethe
Jurgen Fauth
- gold teeth II
Gary Thompson
- GR-related
Doug Millison
- greetings from amsterdam...
richard wilson
- GRGR(7): Dreams of falling
Scott Badger
- GRGR(7): Dreams of flying
Jeremy Osner
- GRGR(7): Melanocytes in the news
Jeremy Osner
- GRGR(7) Angel ogf Lubeck
Lars Frehse
- GRGR(7) Angel ogf Lubeck
Michael D. Workman
- GRGR(7) Deeply Surrender
schwitterz1 at
- GRGR(7) Deeply Surrender
Paul Mackin
- GRGR(7) Deeply Surrender
Paul Mackin
- GRGR(7) Deeply Surrender
schwitterz1 at
- GRGR(7) Deeply Surrender
Michael Perez
- GRGR(7) Deeply Surrender
schwitterz1 at
- GRGR(7) Deeply Surrender
- GRGR(7) Deeply Surrender
Michael Perez
- GRGR(7) Deeply Surrender
schwitterz1 at
- GRGR(7) Deeply Surrender
Michael Perez
- GRGR(7) Deeply Surrender
- GRGR(7) Deeply Surrender
Michael Perez
- GRGR(7) Deeply Surrender
schwitterz1 at
- GRGR(7) Deeply Surrender
schwitterz1 at
- GRGR(7) Deeply Surrender
schwitterz1 at
- GRGR(7) melanocytes
Lars Frehse
- GRGR(7) psychometrist
Lars Frehse
- GRGR(7) psychometrist
James Kyllo
- GRGR(7) summary of chapter 18
Lars Frehse
- GRGR(7) Tyrone who?
Lars Frehse
- GRGR(7) Tyrone who?
MalignD at
- GRGR(7) White Flag
schwitterz1 at
- GRGR(7->8) Thus The Angel Was Revealed
schwitterz1 at
- GRGR(8)
Michael D. Workman
- grgr(8) "I haven't your resistance to the wind"
Terrance F. Flaherty
- GRGR(8) - Leni Approaching the Zero
David Morris
- GRGR(8) - Lost (Last) Week
David Morris
- GRGR(8) - Lost (Last) Week
Michael D. Workman
- GRGR(8) - Lost (Last) Week
Jeremy Osner
- GRGR(8) - Lost (Last) Week
keith woodward
- GRGR (8) 154.12-155.3
Michael D. Workman
- GRGR (8) 154.12-155.3
Michael D. Workman
- GRGR (8) 154.12-155.3
Michael D. Workman
- GRGR (8) 155.6-157.22
Michael D. Workman
- GRGR (8) 155.6-157.22
Spencer Thiel
- GRGR (8) 158.9-159.27
Michael D. Workman
- GRGR (8) 158.9-159.27
Lars Frehse
- GRGR (8) 158.9-159.27
Michael D. Workman
- GRGR (8) 169.37-170.10
Michael D. Workman
- GRGR (8) 170.13-176.15
Michael D. Workman
- GRGR(8) 173.39 ' agents of unification '
- GRGR (8) 176.38-177.20 & Concluding
Michael D. Workman
- GRGR (8) 176.38-177.20 & Concluding
Michael D. Workman
- GRGR (8) 176.38-177.20 & Concluding
Tsianides Costas
- GRGR (8) 176.38-177.20 & Concluding
Michael D. Workman
- GRGR(8): Leni's employment?
Paul Mackin
- GRGR(8): Leni's employment?
Paul Mackin
- GRGR(8): Leni's employment?
Jeremy Osner
- GRGR(8): Leni's employment?
David Morris
- GRGR(8): Leni's employment?
Jeremy Osner
- GRGR (8): playlist addition
Jeremy Osner
- GRGR(8): Rathenau
Paul Mackin
- grgr(8) Blutige Rosa
Terrance F. Flaherty
- grgr(8) Blutige Rosa
Lars Frehse
- GRGR (8) Intro & Summary
Michael D. Workman
- GRGR (8) Intro & Summary
Michael D. Workman
- GRGR (8) Intro & Summary
Michael D. Workman
- GRGR (8) Intro & Summary
Paul Mackin
- GRGR (8) Intro & Summary
Paul Mackin
- GRGR (8) Mauve, Coal Tar & Seances, Part 1
Richard Romeo
- GRGR (8) Mauve, Coal Tar & Seances, Part 1
Michael D. Workman
- GRGR (8) Mauve, Coal Tar & Seances, Part 1
Michael D. Workman
- GRGR (8) Mauve, Coal Tar & Seances, Part 1
James Kyllo
- GRGR (8) Mauve, Coal Tar & Seances, Part 1.1
Michael D. Workman
- GRGR (8) Mauve, Coal Tar & Seances, Part 2
Michael D. Workman
- GRGR (8) Mauve, Coal Tar & Seances, Part 2
Spencer Thiel
- GRGR (8) Mauve, Coal Tar & Seances, Part 2
Doug Millison
- GRGR (8) Mauve, Coal Tar & Seances, Part 2
Joshua T
- GRGR (8) Mauve, Coal Tar & Seances, Part 2
- GRGR (8) Mauve, Coal Tar & Seances, Part 2
Terrance F. Flaherty
- GRGR (8) Mauve, Coal Tar & Seances, Part 2
Joshua T
- GRGR (8) Mauve, Coal Tar & Seances, Part 2
Spencer Thiel
- GRGR(8) Peter Sachsa
Jeremy Osner
- GRGR(8) Peter Sachsa
Paul Mackin
- GRGR(8) Peter Sachsa
David Morris
- GRGR(8) Peter Sachsa
David Morris
- GRGR(8) Peter Sachsa
Jeremy Osner
- GRGR(8) The Army of Lovers
David Morris
- GRGR(8) The Army of Lovers
Doug Millison
- GRGR(8) The Army of Lovers
Paul Mackin
- GRGR(8) The Army of Lovers
Brendan Costello
- GRGR(8) what's that smell? 154
nconaty at
- GRGR(I): Mutiny
- GRGR(I): Mutiny
Paul Mackin
- GRGR(I): Scientific materialism
Lorentzen / Nicklaus
- GRGR(I): Scientific materialism
Terrance F. Flaherty
- GRGR(I): Scientific materialism
Lorentzen / Nicklaus
- GRGR(I): So, what's beyond the Zero, anyways?
Jeremy Osner
- GRGR(I->Beyond): New Hosting Schedule
s ~ Z
- GRGR: Holocaust
Doug Millison
- GRGR: Holocaust-related book review
Doug Millison
- GRGR: Nazi slave labor
Doug Millison
- GRGR: Nazi slave labor
Lars Frehse
- GRGR: Nazi slave labor
Doug Millison
- GRGR: Nazi slave labor
Michael D. Workman
- GRGR: Re: Slogans of the sixties
Doug Millison
- GRGR: TRP's French
- GRGR: TRP's French WAS Re: Une or un (Was: Paris Visit)
Doug Millison
- GRGR: TRP's French WAS Re: Une or un (Was: Paris Visit)
Doug Millison
- GRGR: TRP's French WAS Re: Une or un (Was: Paris Visit)
Simon Bryquer
- GRGR: TRP's French WAS Re: Une or un (Was: Paris Visit)
Paul Mackin
- GRGR: TRP's French WAS Re: Une or un (Was: Paris Visit)
Frederic Carpentier
- GRGR: TRP's French WAS Re: Une or un (Was: Paris Visit)
Doug Millison
- GRGR: TRP's French WAS Re: Une or un (Was: Paris Visit)
Paul Mackin
- GRGR: TRP's French WAS Re: Une or un (Was: Paris Visit)
Doug Millison
- GRGR: TRP's French WAS Re: Une or un (Was: Paris Visit)
- GRGR p. 163 Rathenau
- Happy birthday
FrodeauxB at
- Happy birthday
Terrance F. Flaherty
- Harmonica
Don Corathers
- Harmonica NP
- Hell and uery
Spencer Thiel
- hello & query
Joshua T
- Hello and Query
Bernd Herzogenrath
- Hello and Query
Dictel at
- Hello and Query
D. Sticher
- Hello and Query
Paul Mackin
- Hello and Query
Paul Mackin
- Hello and Query
Spencer Thiel
- Hello and Query
Doug Millison
- Hello and Query
D. Sticher
- Hello and Query
Keith Woodward
- Hello and Query
Keith Woodward
- Hello and Query
the Robot Vegetable
- Hello and Query
D. Sticher
- Hello and Query
Bernd Herzogenrath
- Hello and Query
Bernd Herzogenrath
- Hello and Query
Timothy Durkin
- Hello and Query
Evan Abla
- Hello and Query
Evan Abla
- Hello and Query
- Hello and Query
Jason Tanz
- history of a theme
- his tuna-ship is chum
calbert at
- Holocaust
Mitchell R Coffey
- Holocaust
Spencer Thiel
- Holocaust
- Holocaust
Mark Wright AIA
- Holocaust
- Holocaust
calbert at
- Holocaust
Mitchell R Coffey
- Holocaust
Mitchell R Coffey
- Holocaust
Mitchell R Coffey
- Holocaust, very little cfa
calbert at
- Holocaust and Shylock
Gary Thompson
- Holocaust and Shylock
FrodeauxB at
- Holocaust and Shylock
Terrance F. Flaherty
- Holocaust and Shylock
Terrance F. Flaherty
- Holocaust and Shylock
Terrance F. Flaherty
- Holocaust and stereotypes
FrodeauxB at
- Holocaust and stereotypes
Terrance F. Flaherty
- Holocaust and stereotypes
FrodeauxB at
- Holocaust and stereotypes
Terrance F. Flaherty
- Huzzah Huzzah
- I'll give you a Holocaust
calbert at
- I'll give you a Holocaust
Robert Norton
- I'll give you a Holocaust
- I'll give you a Holocaust
Terrance F. Flaherty
- I'm back
Doug Millison
- It's a Bug's life
Terrance F. Flaherty
- It's a Bug's life
Richard Romeo
- It's a Bug's life
John Verity
- Jest Shy Of Infinite
schwitterz1 at
- Jest Shy Of Infinite
Darcy James Argue
- Jest Shy Of Infinite
Michael D. Workman
- life after Lot49?
Saud Al-Zaid
- life after Lot49?
Saud Al-Zaid
- life after Lot49?
Doug Millison
- life after Lot49?
Doug Millison
- lists: WASTE downtime (fwd)
Murthy Yenamandra
- Longitude Movie
Richard Romeo
- Longitude Movie
Evan Abla
- Longitude Movie
- Longitude Movie
Peter Fellows-McCully
- M&D: Cowart article/ch.35
Michael Crowley
- M&D: Cowart article/ch.35
Terrance F. Flaherty
- M&D: Cowart article/ch.35
Paul Mackin
- M&D: Cowart article/ch.35
Terrance F. Flaherty
- M&D: Cowart article/ch.35
- M&D: Cowart article/ch.35
Paul Mackin
- M&D: Cowart article/ch.35
Michael Crowley
- M&D: Cowart article/ch.35
Terrance F. Flaherty
- M&D: Cowart article/ch.35
Paul Mackin
- M&D: Cowart article/ch.35
- M&D: Cowart article/ch.35
Terrance F. Flaherty
- M&D: Cowart article/ch.35
Paul Mackin
- M&D: Cowart article/ch.35
Terrance F. Flaherty
- Malta
Doug Millison
- Mamet does Hannibal
Spencer Thiel
- Mamet does Hannibal
Spencer Thiel
- Mamet does Hannibal
Mark Wright AIA
- Mamet does Hannibal
- Mamet does Hannibal
pporteous at
- Maus
Mitchell R Coffey
- Mauve in spectrum?
Joshua T
- MDMD(2): why quantum?
Stephen Hanson
- Menippean Satire?
Hartwin Gebhardt
- Menippean Satire?
Hartwin Gebhardt
- Menippean Satire?
- Menippean Satire?
MalignD at
- Menippean Satire?
MalignD at
- Menippean Satire?
David Morris
- Menippean Satire?
Joshua T
- Menippean Satire?
Doug Millison
- Menippean Satire?
Terrance F. Flaherty
- Missing Ladies
- Missing Limbs
Andrew Clarke Walser
- Missing limbs
Dictel at
- Missing limbs
- Missing limbs
Derek C. Maus
- Missing parts
- Missing parts
Terrance F. Flaherty
- Missing parts
Paul Mackin
- Missing parts
- Missing parts
Terrance F. Flaherty
- Missing parts
- Missing parts
- Missing parts
Terrance F. Flaherty
- Missing parts
Terrance F. Flaherty
- Missing parts
Terrance F. Flaherty
- Missing parts
- Missing parts
Terrance F. Flaherty
- Missing parts
- Missing parts
Terrance F. Flaherty
- More color nonsense
Bob Norton
- Muave in spectrum?
Robert Norton
- Muave in spectrum?
- nazi scientists
Edward M. Pilszak
- nazi scientists
- nazi scientists
Spencer Thiel
- New article on M&D in American Literature
Richard Romeo
- new book pertinent to CoL49
Bill Millard
- new novel gets Pynchon comparison
Doug Millison
- new novel gets Pynchon comparison
- new Web article re V., Sphere & Monk
Doug Millison
- New York Pynchon List Arise!
christine karatnytsky
- No mail
Darcy James Argue
- Nora Dodson Truck
starlet at
- Nora Dodson Truck--POSSIBLE SPOILER
Paul Mackin
- Not all American literary stylists liked Henry Adams
Paul Mackin
- Not all American literary sylists liked Henry Adams
Paul Mackin
- Not all American literary sylists liked Henry Adams
Paul Mackin
- Not all American literary sylists liked Henry Adams
- Not all American literary sylists liked Henry Adams
- NP (?) goethe
Michael D. Workman
- NP (?) goethe
Spencer Thiel
- NP (?) goethe
Tom Hickey
- NP - Thelonious Monk and Henry Adams
Neil Conaty
- NP: Harmonica
Michael D. Workman
- NP: Harmonica
Mark Wright AIA
- NP: Harmonica
Michael D. Workman
- NP: I, Edward Said
calbert at
- NP: Magnus Mills - new book
Jeremy Rice
- NP: Maus
Steve Maas
- NP: Maus
Edward M. Pilszak
- NP: NY Times article on Cryptonomicon...
Doug Millison
- NP: Salinger Cartoon
Steve Maas
- NP I'll give you a Holocaust
- NP I'll give you a Holocaust
- NP Mamet does Hannibal
Spencer Thiel
- NP To Rich, primarily
Heikki Raudaskoski
- NY Times articles on TRP...
Doug Millison
- Outages & Slowdowns
DudiousMax at
- P.P's Dream
Terrance F. Flaherty
- P.P's Dream part I B #2
Terrance F. Flaherty
- P.P's Dream part I B #2
Michael D. Workman
- P.P's Dream part I B #2
Terrance F. Flaherty
- Paris Visit
Michael D. Workman
- Paris Visit
Michael D. Workman
- phantom limbs
Jason Tanz
- phantom limbs
Joshua T
- Physics poetry (theoretical of course)
FrodeauxB at
- Preludes
Terrance F. Flaherty
- pynchon-l-digest V2 #875
FrodeauxB at
- pynchon-l-digest V2 #883
FrodeauxB at
- Pynchon in the SF Comical
Doug Millison
- Pynchon IRC channel?
Saud Al-Zaid
- Pynchon story in Cavalier Magazine
- Question about Corso
Paul Mackin
- Question about Corso
Terrance F. Flaherty
- Quiet Since 8/10
- R: GRGR: TRP's French WAS Re: Une or un (Was: Paris Visit)
Paolo Cavallo
- Rathenau
Lars Frehse
- Repost GRGR (8) anatomy
Michael D. Workman
- Repost GRGR (8) anatomy
Michael D. Workman
- Repost GRGR (8) anatomy
Jeremy Osner
- Repost GRGR (8) anatomy
Jeremy Osner
- Signing off GRGR for a week or so
Jeremy Osner
- Skippy in the local news
Paul Mackin
- SLM, Sat 8/21: it's a gig! it's a party! (minimal TRP)
Bill Millard
- Slogans of the sixties
Paul Mackin
- Slow day on the ranch?
Spencer Thiel
- Slow return & Parts
Terrance F. Flaherty
- still waiting...
Michael D. Workman
- test
David A. Kassay
- test
Tsianides Costas
- test
Michael D. Workman
- The Causal Dichotomy
David Morris
- The Causal Dichotomy
Terrance F. Flaherty
- The Medium's Message
starlet at
- This day in history.
Spencer Thiel
- Thoughts on Impolex G
Richard Romeo
- Truth Serum
Spencer Thiel
- Une or un (Was: Paris Visit)
Paolo Cavallo
- Une or un (Was: Paris Visit)
Paul Mackin
- Une or un (Was: Paris Visit)
Jeremy Osner
- Une or un (Was: Paris Visit)
Paul Mackin
- Vermont listers?
Jeremy Osner
- VLVL - dyes
Neil Conaty
- VLVL - dyes
Joshua T
- Waltsicle
Gary Thompson
- we predict...
- we predicted.
- What exactly is happening?
Michael D. Workman
Last message date:
Tue Aug 31 18:55:28 CDT 1999
Archived on: Tue Feb 20 18:18:24 CST 2018
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).