Jest Shy Of Infinite

Darcy James Argue djargue at
Thu Aug 5 01:18:47 CDT 1999

Okay, NOW all of you Wallace fans come out of the closet.  I thought the 
mere mention of _Infinte Jest_ was still _verboten_ here in Pynchon-land,
the slightest soupçon of a footnote setting knees a-jerk and tongues
a-wagging.  Me, I liked _IJ_ very very much, and it's nice to see I'm not
_entirely_ alone on that one.

- Darcy

djargue at
Montreal, QC

"Why go meet Debussy, he will only insult you. I can introduce you to some
nice people."

"I'd rather be insulted by Debussy."

                                       - Béla Bartók upon visiting Paris 

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